Sleep Deprivation

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I stayed up all night today and yesterday to catch up with Game Of Thrones. Let me tell you best thing ever. Now I regret it because, I have a twelve - fourteen hours to work. On top of that film a YouTube video. So add about three hours to that. Then to film with my husband another three hours. So about a fifteen to seventeen day. I've done worse. I get to set tired.

Okay, roll cameras and action. Our detector yells.

Nova: Dean and Sam and Rhett you can't be that stupid. Plus Dean I'm a big girl now I can take care of myself

Dean: Your forty-one

Nova: Yeah fourty- one not fourteen

Dean: Yeah your may baby sister deal with it

Nova: No I'm old enough. Just like you but a minute younger. I just said. We get done filming. I do a video.

Auntie Okalynn. JJ, Arrow, and Zeppelin said. Knocking me down with hugs.

Can you play with us? Lets play tag. JJ said

Of course. Can you get off of me. I say they get off of me. Just then Jensen burst into the room pantting.

Arrow, JJ, Zeppelin daddy's getting to old for playing tag. He said and slupped on the couch. Zeppelin came and cuddled on top of him and fell asleep. So did I. With JJ and Arrow on top of me asleep. I wake up and the girls are still on me and the boys are still asleep on the couch. I try to move them but they tighten their grip. Arrow got off easily. JJ stirred. And said.

I tired. I still want to take a nap. She said and fell back asleep. They wake up thirty minutes later. The girls and the boys leave. I sleep until dinner. I wake up. I feel great. We have our kids. We get a table of twenty. Caylus fed Aphrodite sugar packets. He has never had sugar. He was running around the table screaming and eyes vibrating.

CAYLUS! I yell and grab him by the arm. I whisper in his ear. You will be in trouble when we get back to our motle room. The kids are leaving with Tal tonight. So you will get things and be yelled at. You will be in trouble. I whisper. He starts to cry. I get him back to the table. He puts his head in his arms. And is shaking from sobs.

What'd you do? Jensen asked clearly concerned.

He is in trouble with me for Aphrodite. He is in big trouble. I tell him. Everyone shrunk in their seats. They know when I yell I get scary and they don't like that. Caylus looks up. Eyes puffy and red and he is scared. He gets in trouble and I go back to sleep.

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