Chapter 20

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I tried to locate every possible source of information I could get on Sebastian's past and his affiliation with Heath's parents.
I found a person but I wasn't sure If I could get any information from him or if he's even alive.

I am driving towards a village, where Heath's parents and Sebastian grew up.
I couldn't help but feel nervous and anxious on what's going to happen or what information I might acquire.
I am scared it might have something to do with Heath more than I am expecting.

I sighed and continued to drive. After a whole hour of driving, I arrived and decided to walk around the neighborhood locating the address I have.
When I was standing in front of a large house, I checked the address one last time before pressing doorbell.

I waited for a while until a man on his 60's came and open the door.
His physique is large, muscled, telling a few about what kind of dangerous job he had taken in his youth.
His features were sharp but you could still see the signs of his handsome features under the wrinkles and sagged skin.

"Sorry for disturbing you. Are you Mr. Dominic Fray by any chance?" I asked while showing him my police ID.

He nodded and raised his eyebrow for a while.
"I don't think I made any violations against the law in this age" he commented coldly.

I shook my head and smiled awkwardly.
"No Sir, you didn't. I am here especially to talk to you. About few people who were closely acquainted to you in the past, it would solve a case so I needed honest informations if that's okay with you?" I hesitantly asked.

He was old but he was intimidating okay. I don't want to die in an unknown neighborhood just yet.
He sighed and let me in his gate.
He offered me a sit on a coffee table by his garden.
He called for a young woman in an apron to make us something quick..

"So, what is it that you want?" He asked.

His tone told me that stalling is not a good idea. I have to be straightforward and not waste his time. So I did.
"I want to know everything about Sebastian Claude,
Aireen Ford and Hunter Castillo. What happened to them and all." I said.

"How would that solve a case?" He asked.

"Clear things, the motives. It will solve many things so just.. Just please." I sighed weakly.

He stared at me for a while and started telling me the story that I told Tristan last time.
"After Sebastian's arrest, Aireen came to me and told me about terrifying things."

Dominic told me what Aireen told him and I gasped. I couldn't hide my surprise and I didn't even bothered to try and hide it. He just looked at me knowingly and continued.
"I passed the organization to Hunter and left, cutting all ties until I heard that Hunter married Aireen two years later. After the marriage, few months and Sebastian was out of prison as well.
I didn't hear any big news about him until a year after, I heard that a powerful group that is against Hunter's organization picked Sebastian up and gave him a place to start at the Underground Society on the condition of helping him bring down Hunter's. Hunter named the organization "LICITUS" it was a latin word of licit or lawful. He was trying his best to legalize the organization. I haven't heard any after that.. Of course, until the last time. When they were murdered six years ago."

"The powerful group who gave Sebastian a place on the US, do you know the name?" I asked.

He was silent for a while, " ah, I think it was UMBRA. A large organization who started the great source of trading arms and drugs. Then, Sebastian's group became the number one source and trader after him, of course UMBRA is the number one group who profits from Sebastian's group. They were partners in crime after all, literally." Dominic said.

"Do you think, do you think that Sebastian killing Hunter and Aireen has something to do with their past?" I asked.

Dominic stared at me for a while and smirked.
"You're asking a very obvious question kid. You know how humans are, we keep planting hatred and jealousy on our hearts, everyone has it, even the most kindest person on earth has that hatred on their hearts, it's just that they don't pay attention to it and tried to cover it with positivities. Sebastian hated them ever since their first visit at the prison, of course his hatred and jealousy grew when he heard about the marriage and how successful Hunter was, how happy they were, while he went to prison for stealing and selling illegal drugs to support himself and Aireen when they were together. Of course, I blamed myself for that. If only I didn't forbid him from loving a family member of our partners.. He wouldn't have left the group and do ridiculous things like that just to be with the woman he loved all his life. You can never say that he didn't do it with the anger and hatred he had from his past kid, he is a human, he had his flaws and selfish desires. Revenge was a very common desire among mobs, he was blinded by rage, no matter how successful Hunter's group was and no matter how Hunter's business obstructed his own success, his actions were too violent and cruel for that matter alone. He must have poured out his anger and hatred on that plan." Dominic stated.

I nodded and the next thing I knew, I was sitting in my car, spacing out.
I was overloaded and I don't know how to handle all the things that is happening and how I should make a next move, what should I do next. But that wasn't what was worrying me the most.

I sighed and recalled all of the things that Dominic told me. I tried my best to think rationally and do something but I couldn't think straight.
I don't know what to feel either.
Sebastian, he loved Aireen Ford so much that he willingly and selflessly left the group that could bring him and Aireen's life in danger. He willingly embraced the hardships and tried to do something with his power to feed and survive with Aireen. He loved her so much, the best friend he thought would help him declined because of a fucking Organization rules.

Then he found out something that should make him the happiest person in the whole world but instead broke him to peices, especially he was in a situation where he couldn't do anything at all.
Then he was more broken when he found out his best friend and the woman he loved with all his might got married. Happy, successful, at peace while he was broken, pitiful, with nothing to call nor depend on.

I clenched my fist and shouted in frustration. He killed my parents for god's sake.. And yet here I am, feeling great sense of pity and sympathy over the murderer who took my innocence against hatred and revenge away. He made me live in hatred and pain but here I am, feeling broken for him for something that happened a long time ago.

I clenched my teeth and knocked my head on the steering wheel really hard and tried to think of a way out of the situation but I couldn't. I grumbled and groaned and everything. I slumped my shoulders and closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.
I'm feeling sick, literally.

"Shit.. How am I going to tell Heath about this?"

Falling deeper (Bxb)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon