Chapter 22

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I opened my eyes and groaned. I looked around the place and stopped when I remembered what happened yesterday.
I was waiting for Heath when a hand covered my mouth and felt a needle stuck on my neck. They dragged me away and I tried to fight but I suddenly felt limp and dizzy, then I lost consciousness after letting my phone fall on the side of the alley they dragged me into.

I hope Heath finds out what happened. I can't take it if he will think I ditched him alone there. I tried to move when I felt my hands were tied tightly behind the chair I was sitting.
Even my feet were tied on each side of the chair.

"The prince is awake I see." A voice said and I glared at the familiar person standing in front of me.

"My father will kill you if he finds out." I said, hoping he'll change his mind.

He just laughed and shook his head in amusement.
"I'm sorry prince but your father was the master of the crime here. He suggested to do this after this certain picture was sent to us." He said and came towards me, shoving his tablet on my face.

It was me and Heath kissing.
"He said we found his weakness, so why not use it against him while he still feel strongly towards you?" Sebastian said.

"Heath will not come and I'm sure that your plan will bit your asses back. He's not an idiot like you after all" I snarled.

He just shook his head and stared at me.
"Oh no, he will come like a superhero for his mistress in distress. I assure you that" he said and motioned for his men.

"Beat him up, don't kill him though, that is the deal between me and Christopher after all." He said and smirked.

I can't believe my father is willing to hurt me just to lure out Heath. He really does not care about me. He only cares for his group and his source of dirty money.
I gritted my teeth and endured all the punches and kicks I recieved. I didn't cry or groaned in pain. I bit my lip so hard to suppress the moan of pain in my throat and maintained my straight face.

When I was weak and bleeding all over, Sebastian told the guys to step back and get out.
He came towards me and clicked his tablet, flash of camera startled me and I tried to glare at him.
He was going to send that to Heath, for Heath to come here.. Unprepared.. And blinded by rage.

I bit my lip again and prayed that Heath will think rationally. I hope he will plan his actions before jumping to action. I don't want to see him hurt just because of saving me. I don't want to lose him. He's everything to me.

"Now, it was sent. All we have to do is wait for him to come running to his death. " he smirked and was about to leave but I spoke.

"Why do you hate him? Why did you kill his parents? Was it because of your past?" I stared at him.

He froze and slowly turned towards me. His complexion totally different from before.
"You don't know what happened" he gritted.

"I do. You left everything you have behind just to be with the woman you love most. But was imprisoned and suffered alone while your loved one went and married your best friend." I said while calmly staring at him.

His eyes showed a glint of something but went away before I could figure it out.
"That was a long time ago. I forgot it all and I don't fucking care anymore. You better shut your mouth and stop talking like you knew everything, because you don't" he gritted and slammed the door close after leaving.

I sighed. It was obvious that it has something to do with his past. The undying and extreme hatred he held for his best friend's son was so overwhelming that it was impossible to detect where it all came from.
Only his past can make him hate Heath that much.

He might be a fucking bad mobster who wants to do things that benefit him no matter what the consequences are, but he is not heartless. He has a heart, he has emotions, only it was eaten up by hate and anger that he wasn't able to let go even after Hunter Castillo and his wife Aireen died.
I wanted to say that Heath has nothing to do with what happened on the past, I wanted to say that it won't change anything even if he kill Heath, because I know he won't be able to let go of his hatred until he realizes that things aren't always going to the way we want it to.

This is a fucking twisted and rotten world. Full of unfairness and surprises. It was so twisted and it was like gambling.
Sometimes you'll get lucky and experience happy and satisfying life, sometimes you'll get bad luck and experience pain, disappointment, and depression. It was something that we have no control over. It was revolving on its own and we are just being dragged where life wants to take us to.

I coughed a bit and groaned, I closed my eyes and prayed silently. That Heath will find a better way about this. I don't want anyone to risk their life just for a trash like me. Even my father hates me, who would do something unworthy like that.


I dialed Kent's number after I received the photo that Sebastian fucking Claude sent me.
I was gathering my things while waiting for him to pick up.
When he answered, I was already wearing my black leather.

"Heath?" He asked.

"Where are you?" I asked hurriedly.

"I just arrived at the station why?" He asked.

"Gather some people whom you trust, I'm going to go after Sebastian and Christopher right now. They took Tristan and beaten him up badly. I'll send you the address, you can come when you're ready." I said

"No. Heath, wait for us. We will go there together. Don't do anything stupid!" He hurriedly amswered.

"I don't fucking care about the fricking law right now Mclainn. I will go right now, And I swear I will skin Sebastian and Christopher alive before you could ever blabber about your fucking laws." I snapped and ended the call before he could even answer.

I run down the stairs and bolt out of the door with Clint and the rest of the guards following after me.
I sent the address to Kent and drived off on full speed. Clint tried to convince me to let him drive but I just glared at him and he frowned.

I was driving the car on full speed but I don't care.
I was racing against other cars and swerved around them just to reach the fucking place before anything worse will happen.

I gripped the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles are turning white but I didn't care. My anger against Sebastian and Christopher surging greater than before.
Christopher Smith, Tristan is his son, how dare him let that sick bastard hurt him like that. The more I think about them, the more my anger is rising that I don't care about anything else anymore.

I raced my way over the abandoned place with one fucking mission in mind.
I will kill those bastards with my own hands.

The moment we reached the place, I parked and run towards the place after telling my men to sneak around the whole place.
I was alone when I went up and barged in the room on the third floor of the abandoned building.

Sebastian was sitting beside a badly beaten Tristan, still tied on the metal chair and was unconscious.
Six guys were standing behind them and Sebastian clapped his hands.

"Just as expected, you came faster than I expected."he said and was smiling like the lunatic that he is.

"Let him go." I said in a low but cold voice.

"Of course, that is if you comply on what I want." He said.

I remained silent while glaring at him.
He looked at me, his face serious and cold. He wasn't joking and I know that.

"Leave the Underground Society and pass your underlings to me."

Falling deeper (Bxb)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon