1 | Call One

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❝Haye meray Allah, mom!❞

The door bell rang and the chestnut haired girl scrambled to her feet from the sofa before shoving them in her bunny slippers

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The door bell rang and the chestnut haired girl scrambled to her feet from the sofa before shoving them in her bunny slippers. She quickly went out of the living room door which opened into the front porch and stood in front of the small iron gate beside the large one. Pulling the hem of her T-shirt down, she opened the gate to see the delivery guy standing outside with two large boxes of pizza. He gave her a polite smile as she grabbed the boxes and handed him the money before giving him a nod and closing the gate.

“Dinner is here!” Fania called out in a sing song voice as she licked her lips and made her way back in the living room.

She was putting the cardboard boxes on the center table when her younger brother entered the room while rubbing his hands as an expectant gesture. He sat on the floor beside her and moved his hand to open the box but Fania slapped it away.

“Patience, bhookay,” she said to his pouting face. “Wait for mom.”

Ahmad grunted in response.

Fania opened the box, tongue slightly poking out from the side of her lips, and picked up a slice. Ahmad gaped at her.

“Why are you eating it after telling me no?!” he asked in a loud voice. His sister just took a bite and swallowed it before answering.

“Because I'm the older child, meaning; I'm the respected one after mom. So, I can have a slice.”

“You're only one thing and that's 'stupid'!” Ahmad exclaimed, making Fania roll her eyes.

“Don't be a cry baby.” she waved her hand dismissively. Ahmad was going to make a remark when their mother entered the living room with a smile.

“Who's being a cry baby?” she asked while taking a seat on the sofa in front of which both her kids were sitting on the carpeted floor.

“No one.”


Both of them replied simultaneously and Ahmad glared at his sister, who gave him a bright grin in return. Zubaida laughed lightly at her kids' antics and leaned forward.

“Give me a box.” she said and Fania took the un-opened box before passing it to her. Zubaida placed the box in her lap and took out a slice.

The craze for pizza ran in their blood and it definitely came from Zubaida's side.

When both of them had finished their pizza, they turned to face their mother and gave her the most innocent puppy dog eyes she had ever seen. Zubaida stopped chewing and stared at her kids before grumbling and gesturing for them to take the slices from her box. They smiled and took one piece each.

Fania took a huge bite of her slice and closed her eyes. But a pain shot up her teeth as something hard got chewed with the pizza and her light brown eyes flew open before she let out a yelp. Ahmad and Zubaida frowned at her as she drew out a small bead with her pointer finger and thumb from her mouth.

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