5 | Call Five

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❝Mujhay bhool jao❞

Fahad jumped on his bed after changing into his night shirt and trousers and quickly got comfortable on the pillows

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Fahad jumped on his bed after changing into his night shirt and trousers and quickly got comfortable on the pillows. He was feeling excited jitters all over his body because he was going to give her a little hint today, and he knew that she will be surprised. The time was 11:05 when he sent her the text.

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fahad | fania

Hello :)


You can't be serious
What's with the question marks?

That's how you greet an unknown number

Okay, ouch
I thought I wasn't 'unknown' anymore

Shut up

You're moodier today :/

I'm always like this

I can feel the chills today
They were not here before

They were always here
Anyways, if you don't have anything sensible to say, I'll be taking my leave

We haven't even properly talked yet

There's nothing to talk 
And oh, I'm blocking you btw
So don't be surprised if your texts don't reach me


Stop being dramatic
We both know how it will end

I don't
Care to enlighten me?

I told you already
These tricks won't work on me

I'm being serious rn
I don't know how this will end

Okay, as you wish
You will keep on with your game to keep me curious so that I don't block you
I'll keep being a foolish girl under the force of my curiosity
We will find a regular routine of texting
Then one day you'll say that you've been in love with me all along and some other blah blah blah

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