8 | Call Eight

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❝Ap hans rahy hain?❞

Fania and Fahad had been texting each other for a week now

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Fania and Fahad had been texting each other for a week now. As much as the chestnut haired girl tried to deny, she couldn't ignore the fact that the man was not so bad. He had a way with words, and his jokes did make her smile, if not laugh. There was even a moment in one of the past days where Fania thought that if he had met her in real life, she could've thought about the two of them being friends.

Fahad had learned some stuff about Fania; like how her father was on a month long business trip, that's why she had to take care of the work here too, along with her own business of cake shops across the city.

How she preferred animated movies over the real life ones; her favourite being Zootopia. And how she absolutely despised tardiness, and liked her work to be done perfectly, without any mistakes.

He had also given her hints throughout the past week, but Fania still couldn't figure out when and where they've talked before.

But that was going to change today.

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“Please, please, please, please, please, please!”

Ahmad followed Fania like a puppy with his hands joined in front of him as a begging gesture as she paced in and out of the living room. She was trying to get rid of her annoying brother who kept asking her to order the pizza from Pepper N Spice for dinner. She had straight out said no because of obvious reasons.

She didn't have the guts to pick up the phone and dial the familiar number where she had insulted the manager a little of two weeks ago, to find out that her own mother was the reason for her dinner getting ruined.

“Just shut up, Ahmad! We're not ordering anything from there!” she finally blew out on him and he took some scared steps back. That didn't mean that he has stopped.

“Please, Fania! I really wanna have their pizza! And I know you want to eat it too, considering you haven't ate a pizza in two weeks.” he wiggled his eyebrows and she huffed because he was right.

She was craving a pizza from her favourite restaurant so bad.

Finally after some serious contemplation, she let out a groan and shouted a 'fine' before going in the living room. Ahmad fist bumped the air and swiveled his head in the direction of the stairs, where his mother was peeking out from the wall. He sent her a thumbs up and Zubaida excitedly clapped her hands once, before grinning and quickly masking her expression into one of a indifference.

After all, the love for pizza had went to her kids through her.

Fania placed the order and went to check some files as they waited for it to arrive.

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