15 | Call Fifteen

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❝I... gotta go❞

It was silent between them as the weight of Fania's words hung in the air

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It was silent between them as the weight of Fania's words hung in the air. She didn't know why she blurted out that information to him, that too, when they had spent a really great day.

Maybe it was because of the way he looked at her before; like he could read her soul and tell that she liked him, and he was ready to wear his own heart on his sleeve only for her. And Fania was scared that if it was only one-sided, then she will be living a burdened life with Shazain, because she couldn't say no to her mom.

So, she told him to see if Fahad felt the same or not. The one thing she had noticed from their friendship during the month is that; Fahad was an expert in reading her emotions. And she was giving him a chance to do something if he really felt the same way for her in return.

Fahad caught the silent message in her light brown eyes but didn't know how to respond to it at that moment. The information had stole his breath away, and he needed to be alone to clear the fog in his head and think straight. He needed to get away from there. Away from her. So, he suddenly stood up from the bench and without meeting her eyes said in one breath;

“I... gotta go. I have to take care of something important and— can you drop me off?”

Fania's heart was beating fast at his reaction but she composed herself and silently nodded her head. They both went back to the car before starting on their way to the pizzeria where Fahad's car was parked. An awkward atmosphere had settled between them and Fania had never felt so suffocated in her own car before.

The tension was thick between them and most of all; she was terrified.

She didn't know for sure if he had caught her message or not, and it was making her head throb with an oncoming headache.

Fahad didn't say anything when he got out of her car and she stayed there for some seconds to see his retreating figure. It felt like an end; like he was walking away from her for good.

No. Snap out of it!

Fania shook her head to get rid of the stupid thoughts and pressed her foot on the accelerator, wanting to leave that place and go home to curl herself in her blanket.

When her car disappeared from sight, Fahad whirled around to see the previously occupied spot on the busy road and groaned. He ran both of his hands through his curls before tugging on them to release some frustration. He let go before gazing up at the sky, as if asking for some kind of help from his Creator and slowly rubbed a hand down his face.

Wake up gadhay! Snap out of it! She gave you a chance, stupid. Don't disappoint her by standing here like you've escaped from an asylum!

He mentally gave his self a scolding and it seemed to work because in the next moment, he was sprinting down the parking lot towards his car and after strapping himself in the driver's seat, made his way to his home.

He will not let Fania down.

He thought while tightening his grip on the steering wheel. He will talk with his own mother first, and then proceed with the next step.

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Zubaida was waiting for Fania when she reached home and quickly ushered her inside the living room.

“Shazain is free on the day after tomorrow, is it okay with your schedule?” she said with a smile, making Fania to clutch her bag a little tighter. It seemed too soon.

She thought about Fahad's reaction from earlier and a dejected sigh escaped her lips before she gave her mother a nod.

“Sure.” she muttered.

Mrs. Shafeeq caught her daughter's sullen expression and stepped forward to inspect her face closely.

“Are you alright? If you're not comfortable, we can cancel it, honey.”

Fania hastily shook her head and took a few steps back. “No. It's good. I'm just— really tired, mom. So, yeah, I'll be going to bed early today.”

She didn't wait for her mom to say anything and went out of there. Zubaida was left frowning at her daughter's previous spot and she let out a tired sigh.

Something was bothering her. Her motherly instincts told her. But she couldn't ask her anything because Fania liked to keep her feelings and troubles to herself. Zubaida was also aware that the proposal came as a surprise for her and she wasn't ready. She just wanted her daughter to have a comfortable and happy life, but not because Zubaida forced her to. She wanted to choose it herself, and Shazain was not a bad man. She would love for her to accept him as her husband.

But if Fania doesn't like him, she will respect her choice.

She just hoped that her daughter was aware of that fact.

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Fania messaged him at 11:24 and received some texts which left her with a more dreading feeling than before.

fahad | fania

I'm gonna meet him on Thursday

Oh God, why did she tell him that?! And why did she add that smiley?! Fania smacked her forehead in frustration.

Acha listen
I'll be busy this week
So won't be able to talk or meet
Gotta do some work now
Bye :)

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Would it be a happy ending or not?

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