10 | Call Ten

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❝Ab ap zyadti kar rahi hain❞

Fahad texted her the next night

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Fahad texted her the next night. He was relieved that she hadn't blocked him, but the disappointing part was that he kept waiting for her reply, and it never came. She had not even seen it.

So, Fahad concluded himself that she was busy.

But she didn't reply even the night after that. And it went on for the next three nights too.

Five days.

Fania had been ignoring his texts for five days and she was starting to have mixed emotions. On one hand she was feeling guilty for making him hang there without any proper answer that whether she will forget about those lighthearted conversations and block him, or give him a chance so they can be friends.

Now that's where her agitation started. She can't just simply ignore the fact that he stole her number, because asking your employee for a customer's number for your own personal reasons went beyond the work ethics. But she couldn't ignore that stupid feeling of disappointment in her heart on the thought that they will go back to strangers if she finishes whatever was going on between them.

Friendship or whatever.

He was not that bad of a man, if she say so herself.

All of these thoughts, along with the pressure of handling her father's work and her own, was making her go crazy. And at the end of the week she was grasping on the last straw which was holding her upright.

But that too, snapped, when she received a call from her father and he told her that his business trip has extended to another month. Fania rarely ever cried, but after the talk with her father, she was on the verge of bursting into tears which will soon evolve into an ugly crying session.

So, she did the only thing she does whenever she feels down. She left her office earlier than the closing time and drove her car to her favourite pizza restaurant to eat away those tumbling emotions; completely forgetting the fact that the person she has been ignoring for the past week worked as a manager there.

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Fahad was preparing to leave as it was his closing time, but as he was making his way to the large glass doors, his employee stopped him in tracks. He watched with a confused expression as the employee rounded the counter and came to stand before him, all the while looking over his shoulder like someone was spying on them.

“What's up, Taimoor?” he asked the employee with raised brows.

Taimoor cleared his throat and stood straight before answering. “Um... There's a small situation, sir.”

Fahad tilted his head to the side. “What? If there was a situation, why was I not informed?”

“No, nothing major,” Taimoor waved his hands. “But a situation none the less.”

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