12 | Call Twelve

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❝Khoobsoorat hain... apki mama❞

After the meeting in the restaurant and the approval from Fania for officially becoming friends, Fahad was feeling like he was on cloud nine

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After the meeting in the restaurant and the approval from Fania for officially becoming friends, Fahad was feeling like he was on cloud nine. They've talked non-stop after that day— Well, more like Fahad had made her talk non-stop with him by messaging her all throughout the day and asking her about random stuff. They talked about anything and everything, and now knew a lot of things about each other. Fania had also let go of her tough act, and was showing him her real self; the cheerful and giddy one. But the usual sarcastic remarks and attitude was still there.

All in all, Fahad was seeing the real Fania Shafeeq, and there was no denying it now; he liked her. More than a friend should like his female friend, but shît.

He liked her. As in, like liked her.

Oh damn.

The realization hit him like a truck filled with bricks had collided into him, and Fahad let out a loud curse at his bedroom ceiling. His mother started lecturing him from downstairs at his language, but Fahad tuned it out and sat on his bed with his head in hands. What should he do now?

They have known each other for like, what, a month? He can't just go and tell her on her face that; "Oh hey! I was just minding my own business in my room when suddenly a thought hit me and I realized that I like you, more than a friend. So, wanna do something about it?"

Yeah, right. Like she would happily accept him with her arms wide open and nikah papers in her hands.

Fahad cursed out loud again, before running both of his hands through his sandy brown curls like he was going crazy. His bedroom door slammed open and he jerked up, startled, to see his mother standing in the doorway with her slipper in hand.

Dobara tum ne koi ganda lafz istemal kia na, tou ye chappal bgair warning urrti hui tumhary sar pe lagay gi.

(If you use a curse word again, this slipper will come flying to your head without warning.)

Fahad gulped, and nodded his head so fast that a vein got pulled in his neck, making him yelp in pain. His mother threw him one last look and left, leaving the door open. He groaned and stood up from the bed to close it back. When he sat back on his bed, his phone beeped with a message from Fania and he smiled.

He can put his feelings aside for now.

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fahad | fania

I was thinking
What if you wear a joker costume and give out the latest cupcakes from my cake shop for free on the street?
It will be a good publicity, right?

Really now?
( -_-)

Han na
Just think about it

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