6 | Call Six

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❝Have you lost your mind?❞

❝Have you lost your mind?❞

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“You look dead.”

Fania pulled her gaze away from the pasta in front of her to Ahmad who was sitting across her on the dining table.

“Your point being?” she asked lazily, not really in the mood to talk with anyone.

“That you look ugly— which is your permanent look, but today you look more uglier than the daily ugly. You get what I'm trying to say?”

Ahmad rambled on and earned a scolding slap on his back from their mother who was sitting beside him.

Badtameez. Just eat your dinner.” Zubaida glared at him, and he shrugged before diving into his own pasta.

“I'm done. Don't disturb me, goodnight.” Fania said while pushing the empty plate away and standing up from her chair. Zubaida stared at her daughter with a pitiful look and let out a tired sigh.

Fania took her daily night shower and after finishing her night routine, slumped down on her bed. It had been two days since she blocked that man, and she has slept peacefully during those days.

The wall clock read 10:53.

She had a very busy day at work, and her limbs were aching so bad. She shut her eyes and was close to falling into dreamland when her phone pinged on the bedside table and her light brown eyes flew open before she glared at the ceiling and picked up her phone.

The message had come on SIM this time.

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fahad | fania

You there?


Who am I talking to then?

No one

I guess you know who I am


The short answers are hurting tbh

I don't care
Thank you for reminding me to block you on SIM too

I'm sorry for that day

As I said; I don't care

Sorry :'(
My battery died that day
I REALLY was going to tell you

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