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Yoongi: hope

Yoongi: can I talk to you for a moment

Hope: oop this sounds serious

Hope: I feel special

Hope: heheh

Hope: but yeah sure

Hope: what is it

Yoongi: well

Yoongi: I know you have trust issues and that

Yoongi: but what was the name of your ex

Hope: well your my best friend now

Hope: so I guess it isn't a problem to tell you

Hope: his name is park jimin

Hope: but he normally goes by chim or jimmy

Yoongi: oh

Yoongi: wait is he the one who you said was ploy

Hope: yeah

Hope: I'm suprised you remembered him

Yoongi: yeah

Yoongi: I mean it was a pretty big thing when you said it

Hope: I guess

Hope: wait we have a picture from today

Hope: I'll send it


Hope: we had matching hoodies

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Hope: we had matching hoodies

Hope: friendship is thriving

Hope: wait

Hope: I just realised

Hope: you now know what I look like

Hope: kenejwjwjs

Hope: big step in the friendship

Yoongi: yeah cool

Hope: I dunno if this is a big thing to ask

Hope: but now that you know what I look like

Hope: do you mind if I see what your look like

Yoongi: well I erm

Yoongi: not really

Yoongi: if that's okay

Hope: yeah that's fine

Hope: it was a big ask

Yoongi: sorry

Hope: no it's fine

Yoongi: okay

Yoongi: well I have some things to deal with

Yoongi: I'll text you another time I guess

Hope: yeah sure

Hope: byeeee💕💕

Yoongi: bye


I realised that in the last two chapters of Sope texts I made hobis name hobi instead of hope oops. I'll change it at some point I don't have the effort rn.


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