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Seokjin: hobiiiii

Hobi: jin

Seokjin: your whipped

Hobi: what

Hobi: no

Seokjin: sure

Hobi: what's that meant to mean

Seokjin: Yoongi

Hobi: yeah

Hobi: I like him

Seokjin: are you sure you aren't together

Hobi: no we aren't

Hobi: why would we be

Seokjin: erm hellooooo

Seokjin: he was sat on your lap the whole time

Seokjin: you had your arms wrapped around his waist

Seokjin: until that moment when you were laying on him

Seokjin: top my ass

Hobi: hoe

Hobi: stfu❤️

Hobi: i don't mean that as the reason We aren't together

Seokjin: what then

Hobi: i don't want a relationship

Seokjin: why

Seokjin: there fun

Hobi: freshman year relationship

Seokjin: oh yeah

Seokjin: but didn't you get seeing jimin after

Hobi: yeah

Hobi: that was different tho

Seokjin: explain

Hobi: i dont know

Hobi: we were together all the time

Hobi: it just felt right

Seokjin: and it's not that with Yoongi

Seokjin: you have been together all of today

Seokjin: like being really clingy towards each other

Hobi: it is like that

Seokjin: then why don't you do sommit about it

Hobi: did you forget

Hobi: my sister died like four weeks ago

Seokjin: yeah but he can help you through it

Hobi: that's why I don't want a relationship

Hobi: I loved my sister

Hobi: and she left me

Hobi: same with my mom

Seokjin: hobi

Seokjin: what are you saying

Hobi: I'm scared whoever I love will die

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