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Hobi: sugaaaaaaaa

Hobi: I'm bored

Hobi: can you text

Yoongi: sure lmao

Yoongi: why are you bored

Hobi: because I'm in maths

Hobi: and Yoongi's not here

Hobi: he can't help me

Hobi: so I'm just sitting here

Yoongi: oh no

Hobi: i know right

Hobi: I don't get to see his beautiful face

Hobi: I also dyed my hair red

Yoongi: cool

Hobi: that's what Yoongi said

Hobi: you too are so similar

Yoongi: ahah

Hobi: I miss him

Yoongi: lmao why

Hobi: why

Hobi: is that even a question

Yoongi: yeah

Hobi: cos he's always there for me

Hobi: he's cute AND hot

Hobi: like how

Yoongi: lmao

Hobi: my friend broke his ankle

Yoongi: I heard

Hobi: wdym

Yoongi: erm

Yoongi: I heard people talking about it

Hobi: but only people on campus know about it

Hobi: and how do you know it was my friend

Hobi: do you go to my school

Yoongi: yea

Yoongi: no I mean no

Message not sent

Yoongi: shit

Hobi: ksnsisbksbdosbdjdk

Hobi: can we meet

Hobi: I might know you

Yoongi: no

Hobi: awwwwwww

Hobi: why not

Yoongi: I'm erm

Yoongi: I'm insecure

Hobi: awwww

Hobi: you shouldnt be

Yoongi: you don't know what I look like

Hobi: i know

Hobi: but I can tell your cute

Yoongi: okay?

Hobi: I'll respect your choice for now that you don't want to meet up

Hobi: even tho I want to

Yoongi: wdym for now

Hobi: you are on my campus

Hobi: I'm determined to meet you

Yoongi: lmao good luck with that

Hobi: the seat next to me is empty

Hobi: I bet Yoongi would have sat there

Yoongi: awww

Hobi: I miss him so much

Yoongi: your sound like you have a crush on him lmao

Hobi: nooooooo

Hobi: he's just cute

Hobi: anyways if I did

Hobi: he wouldn't like me back

Yoongi: why's that

Hobi: can I be honest

Yoongi: sure

Hobi: because it's me

Hobi: why would he like me

Hobi: I'm annoying

Hobi: I'm loud

Hobi: I try my best to care for people

Hobi: they all probably all hate me

Hobi: they are just being sympathetic

Yoongi: Hobi

Hobi: that's why I forgive people easily

Hobi: because I know it was a mistake

Hobi: and they won't be about to change it

Hobi: like me

Hobi: I'm a mistake

Hobi: and I can't change that

Yoongi: Hobi

Yoongi: I didn't know you felt like this

Hobi: yeah it's fine tho

Yoongi: your always so positive tho

Hobi: i know

Hobi: that's me trying to make people like me

Hobi: ngl it kinda is my personality now

Hobi: like I'm happier over all

Hobi: because I am faking it

Yoongi: aww Hobi

Yoongi: know that I don't hate you

Hobi: lmao

Hobi: thanks

Hobi: oh I have dance now

Hobi: I got to go

Yoongi: okay

Hobi: byeeee

Hobi: I love youuuu💕

Yoongi: bye 💕

Hobi: omg you put an emoji


Yoongi: chill bro

Hobi: okay

Hobi: byeeeeee💕💕💕💕

Yoongi: bye


If you think I can write a story without angst then your wrong- oops hehe


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