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Little cat: jinnnnnnnnn

Jin: yoongiiiiiiii

Little cat: did something happen with Hobis dude mom

Little cat: he seemed sad

Jin: oh shit

Jin: you don't know

Little cat: know what

Jin: he mother died at the start of this year

Little cat:oh shit

Little cat: I didn't know

Little cat: omg he probably hates me

Jin: it's Hobi

Jin: if he hate you

Jin: it will only be for two minutes

Little cat:yeah but still

Little cat: how did she die

Jin: she had cancer

Jin: she died in her sleep

Little cat: oh shit

Jin: yeah

Little cat: is that why he said he's scared to sleep incase he doesn't wake up

Jin: yep

Little cat: oh shit

Little cat: I feel so bad

Little cat: ahhhhhh

Little cat: I'm so insensitive

Little cat: I need to apologise

Jin: do you want me to give you his number so you can apologise

Little cat: we don't really talk enough to have each other's number

Little cat: I'll do it in the group

Jin: okay bro

Jin: do it quick

Jin: he said was gonna turn his phone off when he was going to dance

Little cat: it's Sunday

Little cat:why does he have dance

Jin: he dances when he is stressed

Jin: plus there is an exam soon

Jin: he was gonna do like an hour of practice before he came to yours

Little cat: oh shit

Little cat: I'll go and apologise now

Jin: good luck

Jin: I'll be in the group to help you explain if you need to

Little cat: lmao thanks


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