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after seeing that Jiwoo's car had got into the car park, namjoon, jin, yoongi and jimin all put there phones down so that they could head downstairs to meet hoseok and try and calm him.

the all ran downstairs a quite a quick pace as they just wanted to get to hoseok as quickly as possible. they wanted to help him to make sure that he was okay.

from the texts, it was clear that hoseok was very upset. it was easy to prepare if your parents didn't accept you but it was much harder if the only parent you had quite literally disowned you as hoseoks father did to him.

they all got downstairs to see that jiwoo had her arm around hoseok, comforting her brother. tears were rolling down each side of his face. the others weren't the used to see him like this.

yoongi and jimin thought about the texts that he had sent to 'suga' a few days ago. would this affect this? he said he felt worthless. what if this proved that to him?

all they could hope is that he would sleep on all of the thought and that they would get better. but, there was no guarantee that this would happen. the odds were against him.

when they all tan to him, jimin was the first to hug him. because of there past together, and also the fact that he didn't know who 'suga' was, these two were the closest. it didn't take long before yoongi joined jimin in hugging hoseok.

it was a bit strange as hoseok didn't think that he was that close with yoongi, but it didn't matter as he was too upset to think about it.

in yoongi's mind, he couldn't think of anything else to do. in the texts, he saw how vulnerable Hoseok was. how he was the opposite of his persona. he just wanted to show him that people cared for him.

"thanks for bringing him back jiwoo-noona." jin said, using the use of honorifics to show his respect. they were all so thankful as they didn't know what would have happened if hoseok didn't have a way of getting back.

she smiled and waved her hand as if to say it was nothing.

"oh, don't worry about it. it was the least that i could do. i wasn't gonna let hobi stay in the same room as the bastard." she said speaking truth in all of the words that she had said.

she couldn't even bring herself to calling him her dad. and who could blame her? he didn't deserve to be a dad, not after what he did. she had seen people like this on the tv but never expected her dad to be like this. she was happy that she was old enough that she didn't have to live in the same house as him.

they all said thanks to jiwoo as she needed to get home. they were said that she had to leave so soon, they wanted to pay their respects to her, but she couldn't stay for long.

before leaving, she went up to hoseok pulling him into a hug. she wanted to show that he still had her. they quite literally had no family as their mother had died and they hated there dad. they only had each other.

"i'm sorry i have to leave so soon. but, if you need anything, make sure that you call me or text me. i can easily drive back up here." she said just wanting her brother to be okay. she hoped that this wouldn't affect him too much.

hoseok nodded as they broke the hug off knowing that jiwoo had to leave. he gave a weak smile before jiwoo had to get into there car. all of them waited in the car park till jiwoo left so that they could say 'goodbye' to her.

hoseoks tears still stained his face as more fell from his eyes. he didn't feel anything. the pain had got so much that he had gone numb at this moment. his body didn't want it to stop being numb as he knew that it would hurt so much.

the five turned from the car park and started heading back to yoongi's dorm. they held their arms around hoseok, giving him support. the emotional pain had made him weak and it hurt to move. like it took every ounce of strength that he had just to step forward.

after a couple of minutes of slow and steady steps, they had got to yoongi's dorm. they didn't think twice before going straight to yoongi's room as it was quiet. namjoon and jin stayed outside with dojoon who stayed in the room while they went down to hoseok, while jimin and yoongi stayed with hoseok.

jimin and yoongi stared as hoseok as he stared at the wall as if some sort of dissociation. they could tell that he was going to break at some point. they just couldn't tell when. they just hoped it was soon so he didn't build anything up any further than it already was.

and then he broke.

he tried to hold it in to not seem weak, but he couldn't. the pain was too much. yoongi quickly pulled him into a hug rubbing circles onto his back as he sobbed into his shoulders.

"my... my dad hates me." he choked out. it was clear to see the pain in his voice.

jimin and yoongi felt so bad. when they came out, they were accepted by at least one parent if not both. so they struggled to imagine what pain hoseok was in.

"it's okay hobi, we are here for you," yoongi said as he caressed his hair. he remembered that once he had said that his mother did this to him and it helped calm him. yoongi hoped that he could do the same.

hoseok sat up as he looked down, he didn't know what to do or how he was going to cope. his life had gone to shit is the space of three words.

yoongi patted his lap, motioning for hoseok to lay there to while he did. while there, yoongi stroked his hair, hoping that he would calm and soon fall asleep. luckily, this was exactly what happened, as he fell asleep within a few minutes.

yoongi and jimin looked at each other. they wondered what they were going to do and how they were going to help there broken friend.


yall it's the first written chapter it's kinda shit but it's better then it was before i rewrote it.

also yes, i don't have auto capitalisation dont attack me🤠


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