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Hope: omg

Hope: bro

Hope: best friend

Hope: sugaaaaa

Yoongi: hi

Hope: right

Hope: do you think it's okay

Hope: to like go with someone if they are offening help

Hope: like when no one else can help you

Yoongi: I mean if you know the other dude

Yoongi: then sure

Yoongi: why

Hope: so I'm the group

Hope: at a coffee shop

Hope: we where talking

Hope: and then this dude was like,,,

Hope: I can help you with the science

Hope: but apparently I shouldn't trust old people

Hope: because apparently they can be Pedo

Yoongi: lmao

Yoongi: yeah no shit

Hope: but my friend save me from him

Yoongi: thats cool

Hope: i know right

Hope: I'm so happy now

Yoongi: where you not happy before

Hope: I was

Hope: but now I'm even more happy

Hope: 😃😃😃😃😃😃

Yoongi: cool

Hope: n e ways

Hope: I want to know more about you

Yoongi: what

Hope: your my best friend

Hope: I want to know about you

Yoongi: ugh fine

Hope: yeyyyyyyy

Yoongi: I'm a major in music

Hope: wooooow

Hope: that's cool

Hope: omg

Hope: you could write music for me to dance to

Hope: soulmates

Yoongi: soul what

Hope: soulmates

Hope: your my soulmate

Hope: you do know what a soulmate is

Yoongi: yeah

Yoongi: who doesn't

Hope: why are you confused

Yoongi: cos why are we soul mates

Hope: because

Hope: I do dance

Hope: and you do music

Hope: they literally go together

Hope: 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Yoongi: what

Yoongi: just cos I do music and you do dance

Yoongi: don't mean we are soulmates

Hope: awwwwwww

Hope: why not

Yoongi: do you know how many people do music

Yoongi: if you went of your logic

Yoongi: you would have like 999999 soulmates

Hope: yeah but I don't know them

Yoongi: you don't know me

Hope: rude

Yoongi: I mean we have never met

Yoongi: so how do you know me

Hope: fair

Hope: your cute

Hope: like very cute

Yoongi: what

Hope: your trying to be tough

Hope: but your a bottom

Yoongi: oh

Yoongi: what's that meant to mean

Hope: your a bottom

Hope: all bottoms are cute

Yoongi: I-

Hope: my ex was a bottom

Hope: he was cute

Yoongi: the one who called you hope

Hope: that's the one🤩🤩


Hope: what

Yoongi: nothing

Hope: awwwwwww

Hope: your so cute

Yoongi: dont

Hope: can we meet

Hope: I wanna hook up with youuuuuu

Yoongi: I was thinking about it

Yoongi: but now it's a definite no

Hope: awwwwww

Hope: why not

Hope: please

Yoongi: I will block you

Hope: do it coward

Hope: I bet you won't

Hope: you love me so you can't

Hope: I bet you won't

Hope: hmmmm

Hope: why won't the messages send

Hope: oh shit

Hope: you really blocked me

Hope: rude

Hope: 😭😭😭😭


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