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Special humans

Mother Jin: hobi

Hobi: hi

Hobi: wait why did you text me here

Hobi: this is a group

Mother Jin: I know

Mother Jin: we all need to talk to you

Hobi: if your asking if I'm okay

Hobi: I'm fine

Jimmy: your not

Mother Jin: jimin-

Jimmy: ops

Hobi: is this what it's about

Hobi: I'm fine

Mother Jin: your not okay

Hobi: I'm fine

Jimmy: if your fine why did you do it

Hobi: do what

Jimmy: red

Hobi: wait how do you know about that

Hobi: the only person i told was suga

Yoongi: i didn't want to mention it but i noticed a bit last week

Hobi: oh

Sanana: what happened to telling him slow🗿

Yoongi: hobi please talk to us

Yoongi: we want to help

Hobi: but why

Hobi: you don't get it

Hobi: you didn't cause jiwoo to die

Yoongi: and neither did you

Hobi: but i did

Hobi: one the texts

Hobi: she said that me getting hurt made her realise she couldn't help me

Hobi: me

Hobi: no one else
Yoongi: hobi

Yoongi: you can't blame yourself for something you can't control

Sanana: i don't know if she wanted you to know this

Sanana: but she's had depression since your mom died

Mother Jin: isn't it most likely that

Hobi: wait

Hobi: i didn't know

Hobi: omg i'm so dumb

Hobi: i should have noticed

Sanana: no you couldn't

Sanana: she hid it really well

Hobi: but she's my sister

Hobi: i should have noticed if she went through that

Hobi: that's just another reason it's my fault

Sana: hobi you can't do this to yourself

Sana: putting yourself through this

Sana: it's not healthy

Hobi: oh is there now a right way to deal with the death of your own sister

Jimmy: no

Jimmy: but we are here for you

Hobi: how

Hobi: how are you going to be here for me

Hobi: you don't know what this is like

Hobi: you lost a friend

Hobi: I lost my only family

Yoongi: hobi

Yoongi: you have to try

Hobi: try and do what

Hobi: she said it herself

Hobi: me getting stabbed made her realise she couldn't take care of me

Hobi: me getting stabbed made her kill herself

Hobi: I pushed her over the edge

Taetae: hobi please don't blame yourself

Taetae: we can help you to stop

Hobi: but what if i don't want to

Jimmy: but you could end up in the hospital again

Jimmy: or even worse

Hobi: at least that way I can see her

Yoongi: you can't keep putting yourself in this mind set

Hobi: I know

Hobi: I can't stop seeing it

Yoongi: seeing what

Hobi: the fucking scene

Hobi: i saw the whole thing

Hobi: and now i can't stop thinking about it

Joonie: can't you go to therapy

Joonie: they can help you through this

Hobi: i dont know

kookie: well how about we have a sleepover tonight to get our mind off things

Hobi: i dont know

Dojoon: come on hobi

Dojoon: your gonna need the company

Hobi: i guess so

Yoongi: so sleepover tonight

Joonie: yes

Yoongi: all come to my dorm at 7

Sanana: oki


can i just say as someone who has self harms recently, it isn't as easy as just saying stop cutting. it's an addiction and can't just stop overnight. i just wanted to say that before some insensitive person is like,, wHy cANt hE jUsT sTop


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