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Yoongi: hi

Hope: omg

Hope: best friend

Hope: you text first

Hope: are you okayyyyyy

Hope: wait you blocked me

Hope: do you hate me

Hope: sorry

Yoongi: I don't hate you

Yoongi: I had to study so i forgot I blocked you

Yoongi:I just thought I'd stress because I start my new school tomorrow

Hope: oh that's cool

Hope: one of my friends are joint my school

Hope: my friend nam keeps saying that's you him

Hope: but I doubt it

Yoongi: yeah I have a friend like that

Yoongi: but I doubt it's like that

Yoongi: because it's very unlikelythat the number you picked up was. The same dude in the chat you in

Hope: exactly

hope: that's what I said

Hope: like dude

Hope: smh

Yoongi: lmao

Yoongi: anyways I have like a few friends but I've only met some of them

Hope: well

Hope: I'll bet you will make loads more

Yoongi: I doubt that

Hope: wait how come

Hope: from us texting I would be your friend if we met in real life

Yoongi: I guess not everyone is as open as you

Hope: what do you mean

Hope: why would people not want to take to you

Yoongi: i dont know

Yoongi: I'm guess that my social anxiety stops me from making friends

Hope: that's rude

Hope: shoot it

Yoongi: huh

Yoongi: shoot my social anxiety

Hope: yeah❤️

Hope: I really wanna shoot something

Hope: is that normal

Yoongi: erm

Yoongi: I don't think so-

Hope: well

Hope: I think I could be this way from my

Hope: ✨childhood trauma✨

Yoongi: and what is that

Hope: something you will never know

Hope: I mean I might tell you

Hope: just not at this moment

Yoongi: yeah that makes sense

Hope: Ithat kinda sounds bad that I won't tell you

Yoongi: don't worry

Yoongi: it's fine

Hope: fanks for understanding

Yoongi: yeah

Yoongi: I think imma go

Yoongi: my friends just got to my place

Hope: good timing

Hope: I need to go to homework

Yoongi: is that the subject you message me about first

Hope:yeah ❤️

Hope: I'm trying not to ✨fail✨

Hope: yk

Yoongi: yeah I get you

Yoongi: I was like that for my exams in highschool

Hope: yeah I'm suprised I passed them

Hope: but I did

Hope: and now I'm at the college I'm attending

Yoongi: I mean kinda same

Yoongi:I wanted to go to this college

Yoongi: but I didn't get in

Yoongi: but it's the college I'm starting tomorrow because they accepted me

Yoongi: I'm just scared I'll see my ex

Yoongi: that would be awkward if I ran into hi

Hope: well I erm

Hope: let's hope you don't see him

Yoongi: yeah

Hope: okay I'm going to have to go and do my schoolwork

Yoongi: okay

Yoongi: have fun

Hope: bye💖💕💘💞

Yoongi: bye


If anyone reads this then thankyou also sorry for all the crackhead energy here


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