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⚠️- this chapter contains homophobic slurs and stab scene. if you get triggered by any of these subjects, please don't read this chapter.


hoseok went over to one of the tables so that he could get some pizza and drinks for himself and yoongi, although it was more for yoongi as he needed something to help him sober up.

hoseok had left yoongi on the couch as it would be hard for him to walk over to get a drink. yoongi was on the couch with nayeon and minhyuk so hoseok thought that it would be perfectly fine. he only cared to keep yoongi safe and didn't give to thoughts so that he could be okay.

nothing happened when hoseok got the food. he got the drinks and set them down for a moment while he turned to get some pizza and put in one the plates.

he didn't realise it was the time, but when he turned back around, he saw who was there.


"hey what are you doing?" he asked hoseok making him confused. why was he speaking to him? hoseok didn't understand why he was talking to him and just wanted to bring the food and drink back to yoongi.

he tried to ignore jake, but it was no use as his friends were blocking him from getting back to yoongi.

"what do you mean? i'm just getting some food and water?" he said questionably as it was kind of awkward. he didn't know what was going on.

hoseok turned to head back to yoongi but was still blocked by jake and his friends. jake stared at him making him uncomfortable and confused for what was going on.

"can i get past?" hoseok asked, just wanting to get away from them and whatever they were trying to do. he knew that yoongi was with minhyuk and nayeon, but he felt as though because they where here, he would be in danger.

"sure, you can go. but, why don't you take a sip from your drink first? i brought it from home. i want to see if it tastes nice. i need your opinion on it." hoseok didn't want to taste it in front of them, he didn't want the drink at all. however, he felt that he had no other choice.

his hand shook slightly as he picked up the cup and sipped some of the drink, putting it down straight after the small sip.

jake glared at him as if he was waiting for something. hoseok looked back at him for a second, wondering why he was glaring at him. it didn't take long before he could feel himself getting dizzy and see that the room started spinning.

he had drugged the drink.

hoseok looked over to yoongi to see he was laughing with nayeon and minhyuk. at least he was safe with them. hoseok could hardly save him if anything happened.

hoseok could feel his body falling light as his eyes closed and his legs became limp, causing him to fall onto one of the body.

"exactly how i planes for it to go." jake said followed by a laugh. he knew what he was going to hoseok now.


it was around half an hour before hoseok came back around, and he was in a very different scene to the one he was in before. it was a room in the house, hoseok just didn't know exactly which room and if it was near anyone else.

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