Chapter 1

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A/N  I will say again, this is a fanfiction, not my original work. All rights go to Hajime Isayama and his co-author. The unknown characters are created by me.

P.S I hope you enjoy the story. Please do tell me if you have any tips or if I leave anyone out❤




"Its a miracle a titan hasn't snuck up on her and eaten her yet"

"Don't say that! Our sister is the strongest fighter here and you know it!"

"Shees! Sorry"

I peeked open an eye and couldn't help but smile, watching as the three people closest to me bickered like little children... although, two of them were practically still kids.

"Hey! Finally!"

I shifted my eyes over to the right, my e/c eyes locking with bright green and sky blue ones. I gave my little sister a smile, reaching out and ruffling her hair. I looked over to the still bickering boys to my left, both practically hitting heads as they growled at eachother.

My brother was waving his arms around, his bright green and sky blue eyes glaring daggers at the older boy in front of him. He and my sister were both ten this year, having had their birthday yesterday. They both had the same coloured eyes, although my sister's right eye was green and her left eye was blue, whist my little brother had the opposite.

They both had my h/c hair, except Gabi, my sister, had a lighter shade whilst Tobi, my brother, had a darker shade. We all had the same h/c hair of our mother but only I had my father's e/c eyes whilst my siblings had the blue of my mother. We believe the green came from my father's side of the family, seeing as my grandmother had green eyes.

And the boy currently bickering with my younger brother was the one, and the only, best friend of mine. His name was Jacob, but I called him Jake for short. He was the same age as me, fifteen to be exact, and not to mention that our birthdays were only a week apart.

He had white-ish grey hair and silver blue eyes. He was much taller than me, standing at 5'8" whilst I was a mere 5'1", I blamed my mother for my shortness.

"C'mon Y/N! We're gonna miss them!" Gabi yelled at me, tugging on my arm as she tried to tug me onto my feet. "You mean the soldiers?" I asked, quickly climbing to my feet and holding onto the branch above my head.

Every once in a while, soldiers with horses and carriages would ride past or, on rare occasions, through the forest we all lived in. They had the coolest equipment, not to mention they fought and killed titans.

"Yeah! We saw them riding to-! Uh... to..." she bit her lip in frustration as she looked up, trying to pinpoint the sun. I bent down and turned her head ever so slightly towards the glowing orb in the sky, it's rays shining through the dense leaves of the forest.

"Right now the sun is rising, so that way is west, and that way is east" I told her as I pointed towards the directions. She nodded her head and stared off in a certain direction, "They uh, they went, South-east?" she tried to say, pointing a bit off to South.

"Eh, close enough" Jake said as he popped his head over my own, resting his chin on my hair, "Let's go before we miss them!" my brother yelled before jumping towards a branch, only to come up short as his smaller legs couldn't carry him the distance.

I instantly jumped after him, grabbing onto his shirt at the same time as I grabbed onto a branch. "What have I told you before?" I scowled, swinging him back up onto a thick branch. "Sorry" he mumbled sadly, staring down at his fiddling fingers.

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