Chapter 7

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A/n     Hey guys! I am so sorry for not posting the last, two weeks? Things have been a bit hectic, and my lazy ass is getting behind with school work. But here is a new chapter! Let me know what you think, I accept critisism (but I still have a glass heart though!) and if you guys think I'm neglecting a character or leaving someone out (or if you want me to add someone), please let me know and I'll try to give them more attention.

P.S thank you Luckydragon19 for the reminder! And the support!

I stared tiredly at the rising sun, my siblings and even Jake closely huddled around my figure. Not soon after my siblings had cried themselves to sleep, did Jake start to break down as well. He wasn't a loud crier, or at least, not at that moment. I guess he just didn't want to wake my siblings.

I had brought him into my embrace as well, stroking his back whilst he burried his head in the crook of my neck as he cried. He even started to have a panic attack, but I managed to stop it before it got worse.

And so he fell asleep on my stomach, his body rested between my legs whilst my siblings had wriggled themselves under my arms, their heads laying on my chest. That's how we spent the night, but I didn't sleep, not with all the titans roaming around.

I wasn't about to make the mistake of sleeping when titans were literally roaming just outside our hideout, not when they could easily rip the roof open and have us in their mouths before we could even be fully awake.

I felt Jake stir and looked down, watching as his silver blue eyes slowly opened. They were still red from crying and the skin around his eyes were still a bit puffy, but at least the dark bags were a bit lighter than they were yesterday.

They had slept most of the day and the night away, but they needed it after everything that's happened to them. I'm a bit worried about my sister though, she still hasn't cried and barely responded to us when we tried to get her to talk to us.

She just needed time, I hoped, to take everything in. We just had to be patient with her, she usually was the tougher one out of my two siblings, or rather, the stubborn one.

I gently ran my fingers through my siblings' hair and watched as their eyes opened, both looking much better than yesterday. "Hey" I whispered and they looked up at me, Tobi looking ready to cry again whilst Gabi looked utterly defeated.

"C'mon, we should probably get going" I said, slowly sitting up as I dragged the bag of food closer to us. "Eat as much as you can, we don't know when we'll be able to stop for a break, so we need all the energy we can get" I said softly, handing a can to each of them before handing Jake the knife as I pulled out a can of beans for myself.

Jake opened his can and helped my siblings to open theirs before he handed the knife back to me. I used the knife to open my can before I put it back into my bag, chugging down the beans as I hungrily ate the food.

I threw a water bottle at each of them and they all caught it, although my brother caught his with his face. A smile cracked onto Jake's face and my sister's eyes lit up just the tiniest bit from the action.

I drank my fill of water before I put it down beside me, taking two full bottles and placing them in my bag. "Let's keep going" I said, standing up but only to stumble on my stiff legs.

Jake quickly caught me and stared worriedly at me, "Did you even sleep at all?" he asked, softly rubbing the dark bags under my eyes. I tugged my head out of his hold and stared out the window, "I needed to keep an eye out for the titans, I couldn't let them catch us off guard, again" I whispered and his hand tightened around my arm before he brought me into a hug.

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