Chapter 6

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(A/N I am so sorry for not posting the last few weeks (?). There's been a lot going on and I feel like I'm gonna go crazy. Like, I literally googled yesterday if you can somehow safely put yourself in a coma, I am so done (lol). But anyway, here's a new chapter which I hope you all will like. Please comment and tell me if you like my story. I'm eager for tips, and please tell me if you want me to add someone or give someone more 'screen time')




"Y/N, please. We need to rest for a bit" Jake begged as he ran beside me, his breathing ragged and sweat rolling down his body as if he still stood in rain.

"Fine" I ground out as I came to an abrupt stop, the boy skidding to a stop a bit further up. He bent over and my brother slid off of his shoulders, collapsing on the ground as he took shallow breaths.

My sister slid off of my back and dragged herself over to my brother before plonking herself practically on top of him, leaning against him for support. They both needed eachother right now, both physically and mentally.

I tore my gaze away from them and scanned the terrain around us, feeling out of place and vulnerable about being out in the open. There were no trees for cover, and there were no escapes if a titan suddenly came rushing towards us.

The wall was just a few hours away now and it frustrated me to no end that we were stopping now when we were so close. We had been running for a day and a half already, only taking small breaks to renew our strenght, I didn't want to take the chance of running into a titan when we were tired and defenceless.

"Come here you two" Jake whispered and both of my siblings scurried over to him, burrying themselves in his arms as they fought their tears. They had gone through so much at such a young age... but at least they didn't see the actual deaths of our parents, that would have probably scarred them permanently...

I shook my head and forced my thoughts to the back of my head, refusing to relive the recent horrors that took place. My body and mind were numb, and I planned on keeping it that way until we got past the walls.

There was no time to cry or to relive my memories. I could have all the time in the world inside the walls to wallow in my shame and guilt... for not helping my parents... for being so useless.

"Get up" I hissed, my eyes zeroing in on a blob in the distance. "Y/N, we barely had a few minutes, if we keep going on like thi-" I cut Jake off as I ripped him off of the ground, tugging my siblings up right after as I spotted something in the distance.

"Jake, there's a titan north-east to us, we need to get going!" I growled and his eyes widened before he quickly picked up my sister who was still holding onto his side.

I picked up my brother and set him on my back, quickly moving into a jog as we continued to head for the walls. I kept shooting glances over my shoulder, the blob growing bigger and making it easier to define its features.

It was defenitely a titan, and it seemed to be running from the direction of the forest. Did it follow us?  I turned my head back around and urged my legs to run faster, giving two quick clicks to Jake before we started to run faster, using our abilities in the process.

The only problem with using our abilities is that they used a lot of energy. If we didn't stock up on food and water, we could probably run at our top speed for at most a half an our. But right now we were dehydrated, starving and we even had sunburn, but I didn't dare stop as we pushed through and continued on to the walls.

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