Chapter 11

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"S-slow down!"

Jake yelped as he was yanked around a corner, nearly barreling into someone as Hanji continued to speed towards wherever she was taking him. She was muttering things about testing and samples and all kinds of things that only made Jacob more and more tense, if not terrified.

"We're here!" Hanji yelled, suddenly coming to an abrupt stop that sent Jake reeling forward and crashing into a door head first. He let out a groan as he fell to the floor, his head throbbing while his hands came up to caress the sore spot where his head collided with the hard wooden surface.

The door slammed open and Levi stood over Jake, his eyes glancing down at the boy before lifting up and glaring daggers at the woman with glasses and messy unkempt hair. Hanji laughed nervously as she was glared at, Levi making her feel like she was standing one foot in her grave.

"Sorry?" she squeaked out, rubbing the back of her neck as she smiled nervously down at the short man. Levi could only huff in annoyance, the urge to strangle the mad woman in front of him nearly impossible to ignore.

"Sorry about her" Levi grumbled as he  watched the boy get up, his hands rubbing his forehead whilst he glared at the woman as well. "You can't expect everyone to be normal" he muttered, his eyes flickering down to look at Levi.

Jake couldn't believe that there was a man as small as Levi was, sure he has seen girl's shorter than him, but they were mostly younger as well, or they were Y/N. He fought off a laugh that tickled the back of his throat, refusing to get in this fierce midget's bad books. He was sure that all midget's had terrible tempers when it came to their heights.

"Now back to business" Levi said before standing aside and letting Jake walk into the room, not even bothering to hold the door for Hanji who had to close it herself, after opening it to get through when Levi slammed it closed in her face. 

Jake walked into the semi dark room, his nerves feeling on edge as he looked around at the people inside. Levi moved to stand beside a man with blonde hair and blue eyes, the man's gaze calculating and cold. He was tall, definitely taller than six feet and he seemed to be quite built, it kind of reminded Jake of a male elk he once saw. The creature was old, proud and stood at least a head or two taller than Jake.

The man had bushy eyebrows that looked to have been combed into a neat line, his hair was gelled and combed backwards onto his head. Jake couldn't help but try and figure out the man as he stared at him, his hands folded under his eyes whilst his gaze bored into the smaller boy's body.

"So, Jake, is it?" he asked and the boy jumped at the sudden question, the man's deep voice seeming to echo in the silent room. "Yes, uh, sir?" Jake answered, unclear as what to call the man.

"My name is Erwin Smith" the man began before motioning over to Levi who leaned against the wall beside him, "He is Levi Ackerman, and she," he motioned towards Hanji, "Is Hanji Zoë" he said, the woman waving energetically at the white haired boy.

"As you probably know, we're quite curious about you and your... friends, I suppose?" Erwin asked, his eyes calculating and narrowed. "Yes, they're my friends" he said, his posture stiffening upon their gazes.

"What are your relations with each other?" Erwin asked and Jake gulped, "Uh... the twins and the girl are siblings, and we're all just friends" Jake said, his mouth suddenly feeling dry. Jake was suddenly reminded of a fawn he once saw, the poor creature having been ripped to shreds by predators as its mother left its side. Right now, Jake felt like a fawn, cornered and surrounded by three vicious predators that stared down at them with their bloodthirsty gazes.

"What are their names?"

"The small girl-... nevermind, they're both small. Uh, the younger girl's name is Gabriella and the boy's name is Tobias. The other girl's name is Y/N" Jake said, his eyes flickering over to a girl on the left, her short hair falling into her eyes as she looked down and wrote on a small notepad.

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