Chapter 13

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(A/N  I am so sorry that I stopped updating. Been hectic the past year, but I got time to myself now - sort of - and will continue to write! Hope ya'll enjoy the chapter and I'm open to any ideas and/or suggestions any of you might have. And thanks for all the support, I really love you guys! Imma quickly edit the siblings photo's, they're not my art, I just edit them - changing hair and eye colour, ect -. I should have them up in a while *~*.... I can not make a smiley on my laptop T-T)

"Like hell you can call dibs!"

"I saw her first!"

"That means nothing!"

"It's fair game, big guy"

"Plus, she has to decide after all"

"Are all of you seriously fighting over a girl you barely even know?"

"God I'm glad I'm-"

"Shut up!"

I fluttered my eyes open and let out a small yawn, my body bending backwards as I stretched my slightly stiff muscles. What's with all the damn noise? 

"So fucking cute"


"We mustn't startle her"

I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, my hair falling infront of my face in the process. I tucked the loose pieces behind my ears and blew a small strand out of my face, continuing to kick the last of the covers off of my legs.

I frowned at the small twig in the piece of hair that continued to obscure my vision, my hands moving to quickly pluck it out before flinging it over the bed and onto the floor.

My eyes then finally landed on the people in front of me, one blonde haired boy standing right next to me with a dark blush covering his cheeks. He sent me a nervous smile as he scratched the side of his cheek, "Uh... hi?" he muttered nervously and I only continued to stare at him.

Hmmm.... who are they again? And where am I?

I let out another yawn and ran my hand through my hair, "Hi" I squeaked out, scowling when my voice came out at a high pitch. What the hell was that?

I slowly started to recall my memories, but I could care less at this point. I was still in that little space of sleep obliviousness, when you feel like you're not here, with the others, but you are. It kinda felt like an invisible fluffy cloud was wrapped around my whole body.

"Can I hug her?" a girl with brown hair in a high ponytail whispered loudly, earning a fist to the top of her head from a blushing girl with freckles, who's eyes were trained in on me that sat across from her.

I stared at her in confusion, not understanding what was so wrong from wanting a hug. "Uh, sure... I guess?" I said, my eyes widening as the girl launched herself at me with a loud squeal of delight.

I squawked as she knocked me off of the bed, somehow running in an arch to get to me from behind the tall guy with blonde hair. "You're so TINY!" she squealed as she lifted me off of the ground, my feet dangling in the hair as she held me above her head.

"I'm not tiny!" I yelled at her angrily, trying to wriggle out of her hold. My mind was slowly clearing, the fog lifting from around my brain and giving me chance to think for once.

"W-where am I? And... who are you?" I spluttered out as she started to tighten her grip around me. "'ey potato girl! Don't kill her!" a boy with ash blonde hair growled as he stomped forward and ripped the girl off of me, his hand clutched around the back of my shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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