Chapter 4

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My eyes fluttered open, my vision blurry as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. I was cold and my body felt extremely stiff, not to mention it felt like I was used as a battering ram for a bunch of titans.

"Thank God!" I heard someone sighed beside me, my eyes slowly shifted to my left and settled on the shaking form of my best friend. Jake was laying on his stomach on the pebble ground, water sloshing over his body from his mid chest and down.

He had a bruise and a large bump on his forehead and there were small cuts scattered all across his face and arms. His nose had semi dried blood underneath it and his lower lip looked busted. All in all, he looked like he had been through a bit of hell, and I could only imagine what I looked like.

"Jake?" I croaked out, my voice scratchy and breaking off at certain letters of his name. He shifted his arm and clamped his hand around mine, but I could barely feel it.

"You look like hell" he smirked and I couldn't help but smile ever so slightly, "I could say the same for you" I coughed out, both of us laughing painfully.

"Let's never jump off of a cliff and down a waterfall ever again" he said and I nodded my heavy head, "You didn't even have to say it" I grumbled, letting out a cough as my chest suddenly heaved up water.

I turned onto my side and threw up, large amounts of water rushing up my throat and out of both my mouth and nose, my nostrils burning from the sensation.

"We have to get back, it's not safe down here" Jake groaned as he sat up, slowly moving to kneel on the ground before standing up. His back was hunched and his whole body shook as his teeth chattered.

He bent down and helped me up, my body feeling sluggish and weak. But I could feel the pain, the way my shoulder screamed in protest when I leaned against Jake, the way my ankle felt ready to break with the slightest of movements, and not to mention that I had bruises all over. I even had a large cut that winded from the end of my elbow all the way up to my shoulder, probably caused by Clive when he tackled me.

"Let's get going, before it turns dark"


"You son of a bitch!" Eren yelled at Clive, but the man only ignored him as he picked up the gear of his dead friend, the very gear he had ripped off of you.

Eren had been the first to storm back after he watched the girl and boy plummet to their deaths. He had seen your eyes as you fell, they were beautiful, but they held so much fear and confusion. They were just supposed to confront you two about your origins, but then Clive went mad and attacked you, he even nearly killed you had it not been for your friend.

He would be haunted for the rest of his life, even if he had seen you for just a moment, you had looked so beautiful. Your h/c hair had the sun shining on it, making you look as if the whole sun was solely focused on you. Your skin had looked so soft and glistened from the moist of the droplets that still rained down on them till this moment.

And now you were gone, all because of this fool who couldn't except the fact that his teammates were dead, that he had probably left her, Amanda, for dead as he ran away with his tail between his legs.

Eren was about to swing his fist at him when he was suddenly jerked back by Levi, the shorter man throwing him into Jean who stood to the side as he approached Clive.

To say the Captain was livid was an understatement, he had just witnessed a girl like none he's ever seen before, die before his very eyes, and he couldn't have done anything to safe her.

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