Chapter 9

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"Watch out!"

"Go Marco!"

Everyone was cheering the three teens on as they hurried towards the wall, two of them carrying what seemed to be two children. Marco wasn't looking too good, and many soldiers had to restrain Eren, Jean and their friends from running down and helping him.

There were just too many titans, and they couldn't even shoot the canons for fear of hitting one of the humans. But oh how they wanted to rush down and help them, to help the girl which they had thought was dead.

When Levi and Erwin saw the girl for the first time, they were filled with relief, but that feeling was quickly overtaken by dread as they watched the titans claw and grab for her, their jaws snapping and their smiles widening as they gave chase after the angel.

"We have to help them!" Eren yelled, struggling against Levi's team as they tried to hold him back, the boy's yells falling on deaf ears. "There are too many of them, it's a lost cause. We can only hope that they make it on their own" Erwin said, his eyes following the moves of the girl as she twirled around a titan's hand and cut it off before wrapping her wires around its neck, her swords flashing through the air like a blur as she cut its nape.

"Whoa! Who is she?!"

"She's got moves!"

"Too bad they're as good as dead"

Jean, Reiner and Bertholdt all were trying to struggle out of the grips of their fellow soldiers, the girls weren't struggling, but they couldn't even look down at the ensuing fight beneath them.

"Let me go! I can shift and help them!" Eren continued to struggle, desperately trying to bite his hand but they wouldn't allow his face near his arms. "No, Eren!" Petra yelled, ignoring his screams as her eyes followed the figures as they jumped from roof to roof.

"No! Marco!" Jean yelled as he watched his friend and the girl crash to the ground, titans immediately swarming them. The girl threw her brother into the air, everyone gasping at her strenght as she threw the boy six meters in the air without so much as a struggle.

The other boy caught him and now carried both children, stopping to stare at the girl as she shouted something to him. Everyone watched with heavy hearts as they saw the boy take off, knowing that the girl was probably not gonna make it.

"C'mon! You're almost there!"


"Somebody help him!"

Everyone was practically leaning over the edge as they watched the boy start to scale the wall, the two children screaming as they tried reach out towards the girl, struggling in the grip of the older male. The furious movements of the two children nearly had the boy losing his balance, but he quickly regained it once readjusting his grips on them and using the wall for a bit more support.

Noticing his struggling, Levi pushed everyone aside and jumped down the wall, shooting his wires into the thick cement as he swung beside the boy with white hair. "Hand me one" the captain said curtly and Jake hesitantly handed him Gabi, the girl screaming her sister's name, sobbing loudly.

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