Chapter 8

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(A/N   I am so sorry for the long wait. A lot of shit's been happening... my grandpa ended in the ICU (he's okay now, still stubborn as a mule), we had to sell our farm due to... compliccations around the area. I was extremely behind with my work, but I'm up to date now, sort of... I just got a lot more work just as I caught up with my previous assignments, and now our test week or whatever is coming up. I'm literally done. I don't even want to look at a worksheet for the next week, but alas, I have ekstra classes and singing classes... life sucks... but oh well. Hope you all enjoy!

And please let me know if I should bring in another character to add to the uh-? I guess I could call it a harem? IDK, but I'm also free to options and ideas, so don't be afraid to message me privately or on the notes/messages/talky-thing)

"There's one coming in from the right"

"I know, and another at the back"

I drew my head back from around the corner, my heart thumping loudly in my chest as I heard the distinctive thumps of the titans walking around us. "Head for the open door on the far left" I hissed, ushering my siblings towards the corner.

I waited for the titan to turn its backs on us before I nudged my siblings forward, both of them running as fast as they could towards the building I pointed out.

I looked over and saw Jake still standing at the corner, his body frozen as he stared at something off to the right, right where the titan was heading.

"Jake!" I hissed, stopping in the middle of the road, my instincts screaming at me to keep running. "Jake!" I called again, but he simply ignored me as he shifted his body more to the right. "Jacob! What the hell are you doing?!" I whisper yelled, watching with wide eyes as he took a step towards the titan's direction.

"There's.... there's someone there, beneath the rubble. He's alive!" Jake yelled before suddenly taking off after the titan, seemingly not caring about the bloodthirsty creature which would no doubt tear him apart as soon as its gaze managed to find him. "No!" I yelled, running after him, not even registering the fact that my yell alerted the titan of our presence.

Jake continued to run towards the titan, not even breaking his stride when it reached down towards him, its large huanting smile sending shivers down my spine. He dodged to the side and I was quick to jump over the large arm, running up it and over the titan's shoulder.

I whipped out the small knife I had and sliced away at its neck, watching in satisfaction when a chunk of its flesh fell off, the titan soon toppling over after it. It slowly crashed down and into a building on its left, crushing the top floor with its huge head whilst its body sunk into the building's side.

I jumped down and ran over to Jake who was throwing cement rocks and large slabs of concrete around, using his abilities to lift the heavy pieces off of a boy who was burried beneath. I couldn't see much of him, just the three fingers of his right hand sticking out from underneath a concrete slab whilst a splotch of red soaked dark hair managed to peek out from small rocks and planks.

Had a normal person walked by, they surely wouldn't have noticed him, and even if they did, they would think he was dead. However, Jake managed to pick up on the male's faint heartbeat, the drum sound almost not even there to begin with.

"Is he alive?" I asked and Jake gave me a grunt in reply, "I saw his finger move" he gritted his teeth as he threw another large boulder over his shoulder, not even caring that it was making a lot of racket as it crashed through the side of a building.

As Jake threw the largest of the rubbel off of the boy, I could get a good look at condition. It didn't seem too bad upon first look. Mostly covered in dust and grime and dirt, but he most certainly had a concussion from the rubbel that fell on him.

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