Chapter 3

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"What do you think I'm trying to do?!"

I whipped my head around and stared wide eyed at Jake as he tried to pull his leg free from the straps. How he managed to entangle himself this badly, I didn't know, but what I did know is that if we didn't get a move on right now, the soldiers would be on top of us before we could even blink.

"You're an idiot!" I yelled, running towards him and pulling my new swords out. I swiftly swiped them across the straps and cut him free, tossing his gear into his arms and grabbing the back of his shirt, "Go!" I yelled, shoving him forward and running after him.

I looked over my shoulder and felt my breath hitch as I saw the soldiers closing in, their horses eating the distance between us at a rapid pace. A man with short, straight black hair styled in an undercut, as well as narrow, intimidating dull blue eyes with dark circles under them was in front. He was quite short, but his physique is well-developed in musculature, probably from all the usage of the machines they used.

Next to him rode another boy with short and dark brown hair, with his bangs falling naturally into a middle-parted, curtain-type style. His eyes were a beautiful teal-green, but they also looked a bit blue if you asked me. He seemed to be younger than the one riding in front of him, although the man was definitely a bit shorter than him.


I gasped as I tripped and fell face first onto the ground, my leg getting caught on the roots of a lone tree. "Get up!" Jake yelled as he skidded to a stop, turning around and running back towards me.

"No! Keep going!" I yelled, turning around to try and tug my foot free. I could feel a sharp pain jab through my ankle each time I moved my foot, but I couldn't focus on it right now, knowing that we needed to get to the trees.

"Y/N!" Jake yelled, watching as the soldiers closed in on me, their shouts now being heard. I growled and whipped my sword out of its holster and slammed it over the tree roots, effectively freeing my foot.

I sprang up onto my feet and hissed in pain as my ankle burned up. Jake then suddenly grabbed my hand and started to tug me forward, trying to pick up the speed as my limping form slowed us down.

"Let go, Jake! Head for the trees!" I yelled over the howling wind, looking over my shoulder and nearly screaming when I saw that they were only about two hundred feet behind us.

"Like hell I'm leaving you!" he snapped as he picked me up and started to run towards the forest, his speed picking up tremendously. My eyes widened in realization as he started to run at speeds that weren't humanely possible.

"No! They'll see you!" I screamed, pulling him to an abrupt stop as I sprang out of his arms. I quickly looked around and spotted a few more trees that dotted the terrain, more showing up the closer we got to the forest.

"Use the gear! Use them on the trees!" I yelled, pulling out my swords and firing my wires at the two closest trees. Jake quickly followed me as I jumped into the air, firing off and wrapping my wires around another tree as I rose high enough into the air.

I could hear shouts behind us, the soldiers now directly beneath us as we started to zip towards the forest. My heart was practically in my throat as we rushed towards the trees, my mind not being able to fully comprehend what was happening around me.

"Y/N! Behind you!"

I whipped around and screamed when a hand grabbed a fistful of my cape, throwing me back and breaking my momentum. I tumbled towards the ground, Jake screaming my name as he quickly reacted and changed his course.

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