Chapter 10

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Jake caught you just before you could hit the ground, your face now much paler than it should have been. Your body was covered in blood, and more seeped out from both your hand and your thigh at a steady pace.

"Y/N? Y/N!" he shouted, shaking your unmoving body as he quickly lowered you down onto the ground. Hanji, Erwin and Petra were the first to approach you, but they all stumbled back when Jake shot up and turned towards them, his swords raised threateningly.

"Relax, we just want to help" Erwin said as he raised his hands in surrender, Hanji and Petra doing the same. "If you hurt her I swea-" Jake started but was cut off by Levi who directly approached him, the man clearly annoyed and impatient.

"Listen kid, unless you want her to die form blood loss, I suggest you step aside" he growled, looking up at the boy with a gaze so cold, it nearly had Jake shaking. "Please, we only want to help" Petra tried again, taking a tentative step forward.


Said boy turned his head sharply to the right, watching with wide eyes as Marco limped towards him, another boy with ash blond hair helping him walk. When he got close enough, he motioned for the boy to let him go, but apparently he didn't want to.

"Jean, let go!"

"No! What if he hurts you? They're unpredictable!"


Marco growled at the boy, Jean eventually giving in and letting go of his friend with a grumble. He watched with weary eyes as Marco hobbled towards Jake, the white haired boy quickly helping Marco down next to Y/N.

"We need to get her proper treatment, and fast" Marco said, his eyes quickly scanning Y/N's injuries. He then turned to face Jake, opening his one arm so that Gabi could bury herself in his hold whilst Tobi clutched onto Jake's legs.

"Jake, I promise you, nothing will harm Y/N or any of you. They might question you about where you came from and the like, but they won't hurt you, that I can promise" he said, staring into the boy's silver blue eyes.

"I... okay" Jake relented, lowering his swords and watching with stiff muscles as the two girls swarmed in on Y/N. "God damnit Levi! You can be glad that your sword didn't hit a damn artery!" Petra scolded the captain, the man huffing as he rolled his eyes, his hands clenching into fists.

"We need to get her to my office, and quick" Hanji said, standing up and pointing towards Reiner who stood to the left, "You there! Come here and carry the girl!" Hanji ordered and Reiner quickly stepped forward, his eyes wide as he bent down next to the girl. His arms slid underneath the girl, hooking gently underneath her knees and  around her back before he straightened up, easily lifting her into the air.

It surprised him how light she weighed, it was like she was made out of clouds, or maybe it was just him being strong and all. "Okay, let's go!" Hanji said, motioning for Marco and Jake to follow, both boys bending down to grab ahold of the twins before they shot off after Hanji.

"I want all soldiers to return to base, but those who were stationed here before the incident, return to your stations! I want all of those titans dead by morning!" Pixis yelled, coming up to Erwin after he weaseled his way through the crowd.

"Well, I say, that girl gave you quite a surprise. It seems she's much harder to get rid of" the old commander laughed and Erwin couldn't help but crack a smile, "It seems so" he muttered, his eyes following after the retreating soldiers.


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