Chapter 5

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I jolted awake, Jake instantly up and on his feet in a blink of an eye. He raced towards the open window and I followed after him, my feet still clumsy from the drowsiness of sleep.

"Oh my god" he whispered, his eyes wide in disbelief. I quickly looked from around him and felt my stomach plummet to the floor as Clarissa's face was suddenly raised into our view.

We stared in shock as she was lifted higher into the air, the large hand wrapped tightly around her petite figure whilst she screamed and slammed her fists against the large fingers that were wrapped around her body.

"Mom!" Jake yelled, sprinting out the door at high speed before flinging himself off of the porch of the treehouse. I ran after him and launched myself into the air, landing on the titan's fleshy forearm.

I felt myself freeze when I finally took in my surroundings, my eyes taking in the wreckage around us. There were three titans up in the trees, a ten meter one, a three meter and a fourteen meter. And the fourteen meter had my dad in its clutches.

I quickly reached down and with all my strength tore the titan's hand clean off, the one which held Clarissa. Jake quickly caught his falling mother and I dashed towards my father, watching in horror as he was raised towards the titans mouth.

He was struggling to get out, but the titan had his arms pinned to his side's, so he couldn't do anything but await his doom. His hair was sticking up in all directions, the once bright white now dirty and even having blood splattered on certain strands.

His e/c eyes were wide with fear, but he refused to scream, instead opting to shout and swear at the titan as he tried to figure out a way to get out of the titan's grip.

"Dad!" I yelled, launching myself into the air and propelling myself towards the titan. I jumped up and flipped my body horizontally to the ground, my feet connecting with the titan's face and burying into its skull.

It loud out a screech as it started to fall backwards, still refusing to let go of my father, but at least he managed to wriggle one arm free. I reached forward and grabbed onto my father's hand, now holding both him and the titan up, me being the only thing that was keeping them both from falling to the ground.


My eyes whipped to the side and I saw my mother dragging Damian, Jake's dad, across a trunk, the man unconscious and having lost a leg. My siblings were stuck close to my mother, helping her drag Damian but doing little help as they were practically making my mother trip over them.

My mother was a mess, and my siblings didn't look much better, although they weren't injured. My mother's hair was matted and full of leaves and dirt, plastering to her face from both sweat and blood.

Her face was dirty, smeared with a dark substance and blood kept trickling down from a cut on her left temple. Her once beautiful pale skin was covered in cuts and dust and her right leg seemed to have had a large chunk taken out of it.

I looked down at my own father and felt tears brim at the sides of my eyes, there was no way I was gonna loose my family, not now and definitely not like this. I let out a scream and sprang forward, biting down on the titans flesh before I kicked its arm, successfully cracking it and making it bend awkwardly.

It dropped my dad and I quickly pulled him close as I grabbed onto a branch, stopping our fall. I clenched my teeth from the strain on my shoulder but dug my fingers into the bark, refusing to let go. I swung us both onto the top of the branch and without a word we both took off to help the others.

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