Rude Awakening

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Damn I was sleeping good. In fact I hadn't slept this good in a while. I think fighting really helped me destress. I stayed up late so I'm sure it was nearing lunch time but I refused to wake up. This sleep was really that good. Then it happened. I felt hands grab my ankles and I was being jerked from my bed. As my body slid down my mattress I tried to grab my sheets to hold on but it was useless. "The fucks going on?" I yelled jerking side awake.

In the next instant my body hit the floor with a thump. My chin came in contact with the footboard making my teeth rattle as I groaned. Springing to my feet ready to fight I came eye to eye with my Pape. "What the hell man?" I yelled.

My Pape answered my by giving me a good smack aside my head. "The fuck you thinking? Fighting after I strictly told you to stay out of trouble? Are you a fucking idiot? Wait, don't answer that. I already know that you are. Put some clothes on and be downstairs in five minutes you little fucker" .

Pape slammed the door causing more pain to shoot through my head. Throwing some clothes on I made my way downstairs. "Take a fucking seat". Pape barked.

I slouched down in a chair and put a eat shit look on my face. "I'm fucking super pissed that I had to fly down here because you can't fucking listen. What's wrong with you? I'm at the end of my rope with you. I don't know what else to do besides locking you away.... For tucking ever" . He boomed.

"You haven't even given me a chance to explain" . I yelled back.

"Explain? Fuck explaining. You had one job to do and you fucked that up. Do I need to put you on meds like your uncle numb nut?" He continued to yell.

" I'm not fucking crazy". I insisted.

"Then why can't you fucking listen? Why can't you get it through your head that your actions could cause the family trouble? You're careless and don't think thing's through. Fuck you're worse than your grandmother. I tried to be nice and let you leave the house but you couldn't even appreciate that you little dumb shit. Mark my word's you will disgrace this family and you don't even care. You think it's funny. You think it's all a game."

" It wasn't my fault this time". I yelled back.

"These fuckers were going to jump me". I screamed.

" And why was they going to do that"? Pape asked.

I blew my breath out. I knew when I told him it had to do with a girl he'd lose it again. Crossing my arm's and glancing to the side I mumbled. "Some girl wouldn't leave me alone so I said some shit and she runs back and tells it. So a few guy's tried to jump me".

" So you're saying that you didn't go out looking for trouble. That these boy's came to you? " He asked giving me a knowing look.

"Fine. Okay. When I heard they were planning on jumping me I went and found them". I admitted.

Pape jabbed his pointer finger in the center of my forehead. "Stupid, stupid, stupid" . He hissed with each jab.

"At least I didn't kill anyone or burn anything down" . I defended myself.

"Oh, and I guess I should be thrilled to pieces that you didn't huh?" He said sarcastically before continuing .

"This just isn't about your killings and other shit. This entire isolation is because of your attitude, disrespect, and careless ways. What I'm saying Duel is that you're not showing any responsibility. You will never rule of you can't grow up and change your ways. You'd bring the empire down in a matter of day's. If you can't shape up I'm afraid that I can't let you handle any part of the business" .

"Whatever" . I sneered.

Before Pape could say more there was a knock at the door. One of the men entered the room. "There's someone here to see Duel".

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