Making Moves

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Hey guy's!! Hope everyone is doing well! I know it's been awhile since my last update and I'm sorry. I feel I do owe you all an explanation. Yes, I use to update almost daily but I simply can't do that right now. In fact I have no set update schedule because it's impossible to keep anything scheduled currently. I will update when I can. This year has been tough on us all and I know we have all been effected. We are all in this together but in different boats. It just so happens that my boat is overloaded and I won't lie.... I'm super stressed. I work in healthcare and I stare covid in the face everyday. I actually tested positive myself back in August but all is well now. Where I live the schools still are not open so along with working longer hour's I'm homeschooling my kid's. There is literally not enough hours in the day. I just don't have the time I use to have for my writing! However I'm not going anywhere, I'm still here. I love writing and the Harper's too much to just stop but my updates will be slow so please hang with me. Plus writing is my only escape in these crazy time's... But most importantly I miss all of you and your love for the Harper's! Everyone stay safe and read on! Love ya!

Well what do you know, it's been nine month's and I have yet to screw up. Since Zoe threatened me with a divorce I've walked the straight and narrow. I beat the six month probation that I placed myself on. I haven't checked out another female or set foot into a club. I'm a good boy these day's. My only problem is that I occasionally slip off to the bathroom to snort my powdery goodness, something no one knows about. I know it's bad and my Pape would flip the fuck out if he knew but it calms me and eases my rambling mind. Tampering with hard drugs is a strict family no-no. We deal these drug's and it's not wise to snort up your own profit. Not only that it's not good to be high while on the job or during a surprise attack. Your mind needs to be sharp but right now this is the only vice I have.

As for Zoe and I , I can't say that it's a bad marriage anymore but it lacks that zip, that playfulness. We work great together and are the next Harper power couple in the making. But everything is revolved around the Empire. Our dinner conversation is strictly business chatter, schedules and securing deals and making plans. There is no jokes, teasing and rarely ever flirting. I guess you could say our marriage has crossed over into a business arrangement. Yes, we still crawl into bed together to meet our needs but something is lacking. Maybe it's the passion, the thrill or the fun bedroom antics. Don't get me wrong, it's good but not what I feel it should be.

Sometimes I wonder if I should have just agreed to the divorce but I didn't want to be seen as a failure. I didn't want to admit that perhaps I made a mistake and jumped the gun. Lastly I didn't want to hear the remarks of my family nor have Conner on my bad side. It time I believe it will work itself out. Perhaps what we need is a child to bring us closer. Not right at this moment but in the near future. Or perhaps Zoe is just holding out because she fears I'll return to my old ways. One thing is certain though, I'm not a quitter and I have faith that thing's will eventually look up. If I was Zoe, I wouldn't trust me either. I was terrible to her and I can't blame her for having her guard up.

As for the family business it is soaring. We are nearly better than what we was. We have made our way out of the darkness and back on top. We have regained most of our old client's back along with many new one's. Occasionally I step out of the circle and make deals on my own. Not because I'm trying to run thing's or go against anyone but I'm always looking for new client's and new opportunities to make our Empire grow.

I'll meet with the potential client to discuss details but before I confirm anything I run it by Pape just to get his approval. I must say it feels good. Many time's Pape had told me how impressed he is with me and nothing has ever sounded better. For so long I was a disappointment and a huge let down that hearing my Pape praise my business efforts thrills me and makes me want to do even better.

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