No Reason Not To

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Hello love's! I'm glad everyone enjoyed the last chapter! This chapter will be deep and a bit on the violent side so beware! It will also be a split chapter. Also after this chapter you won't hear from Chelly...  There might be some surprises and disappointments ahead.



Stone cold.

A numbness filled my mind, my body and mostly my heart. How could she do this to me? How could the one I love betray me so? Why must love be so hard for a Harper? How could she look me in the eye and declare her love for me as the police carted me off? Did she think that those word's would be enough for me to forgive her? Chelly just sealed the fate on my life. There's only one thing that I can say to her now.... R.I.P.

But I'm not going out like this. I didn't escape just to be tossed back in the slammer to await my death. No, I've got plans, big plans. Plans that start right now. First I will fight my way out of this and flee. No, I won't go back for Chelly this time. She made her move and tossed her gauntlet into my back. I was wrong to even chose her or to think she was my one. My infatuation with her blinded me from the truth... The one person I have always desired... Zoe.

Chelly was a minor inconvenience that sidetracked my original plans. Forever I have washed my hands of her. Do I want revenge? Maybe in time once I'm well established but as for now she will be placed on the back burner. My only concern is breaking free from my new situation then looking for Zoe if she's still alive. Screw my family. My Pape made it pretty damn clear that I was no longer welcome amongst them, that I was no longer a Harper. Then so be it. He asked for this. Yes, during my short time out I did scope out news on them and learned of their escapes. My family is out there somewhere but I will not search for them. I will let them be just as they want me to do.

Anger filled me as I thought of how good I had been, how much I had changed to prove myself to Chelly and my family. I was doing fucking good until I decided to help Zoe. No, I can't blame Zoe for my mistakes, I chose to do it and in all honesty I believe any member of my family would've extended help to anyone apart of our mafia family. After all, loyalty is what we pride in ourselves most. Our word is our bond. Of course I regret it but I can't dwell on it any longer. I must move forward and carve out my own life, my own way.

Growing up in the family I have learned the way of the street's. I've learned the business and I've learned what it takes to rule and build an Empire. No, this won't happen overnight, I'm starting with nothing. No money, no building and no men but in time I can do this. I can construct a powerful empire and show them all that I am capable. Zoe will stand by my side as my queen. Whereas Chelley is weak Zoe is strong. She'll help guide my hand, help me build and support me. I was foolish to even think that Chelly was queen material. Zoe wasn't my downfall, Chelly was. Just the thought of her name left a foul taste in my mouth. In time my melon.... In time. I will bring suffering and pain to you as you have done to me.

Nope, there's no reason for me to try to be good anymore. I have no one to impress or prove my obedience to. With my family out of my life and Chelly gone I can let all of my badness out. I can be the most vile and unmerciful mob king that the world's ever heard of. I have no reason to be good for anyone. This is my world now and I'll live by my rules. This is a new Duel Harper. If they thought I was wild and brutal then... Well they haven't seen nothing yet.

Filled with so much anguish I begin to twist my wrist from the cuffs. Yes, it was painful but I welcomed the hurt, it fed me. Once free, I remained still as if I was still cuffed. The cop eventually pulled up behind the station where I would be processed and sent to prison once again but not this time. No, I'd never face bar's again. As soon as my door was opened and the cop reached in to retrieve me, I gripped him and pulled him in. Quickly I snapped his neck and took his gun. Holding him up, I stepped from the car using his body as a sheild. Immediately the other cop's shouted orders my way but not this time. I will never give in again. I begin to send bullets into everything that moved. All the while bullets from their guns riddled the dead body that was my shield. One by one I took them out until half of the force was down. Dropping the dead body, I used their night sticks to jam every door to the department. Once each door was secure, I took a pack of cigarettes from one of the dead pigs. Leaning against a shot up patrol car, I lit up and took a long drawl. Exhaling slowly, I pried the trunk open and discovered a container of gas. I begin to sprinkle it around the building. Once the task was completed, I took the last puff off of my cigarette then thumped it toward the exit door. Smiling, I walked away as I heard the one's trapped inside scream and beating on the doors. Wasn't my first fire and won't be my last. Right now I'm ablaze.

Destination New York. Time to claim Zoe and finish those bad cop's off. Then and only then will I begin to rebuild my empire... And I'll own it. Allow me to introduce myself... I am fire.... The great fire.


What have I done? I didn't mean to but I was so scared. After learning of Duel's secret life, his history of violence as well as his family and the way he attacked me during that interview had me scared. Who wouldn't be? As soon as I seen him I knew he had escaped and assumed he was here to finally kill me. I did what any woman would do.

Of course I wished nothing more than for Kyle to die. I've even dreamt of his grizzly death but I saw my chance so I took it. By convincing Duel to just give Kyle a harsh beating I could make my escape. While Duel was busy pummeling Kyle I fled. However I knew that Duel would catch up to me so I had to protect myself. I hid and contacted the police. It wasn't until Duel spoke to me that I knew I had made a mistake. Duel could never hurt me and I was silly to even think that. But I did try to warn him but it was too late. I not only broke his heart but mine as well.

But that's not my only worry now. As I was being questioned by the police they received a call. Apparently Duel had escaped yet again and left behind a horrible murder scene. The police insisted that I was no longer safe here with him on the loose. And honestly I kinda agreed this time. Judging by the look that Duel had given me as he was drug away I knew he hated me. I had betrayed him in the worse of ways. I had snitched him out.

The police escorted me to the airport and flew me home. I wasn't allowed to pack or even say goodbye to Jensey. Explaining to my parent's about Duel and what he really was, was torture. I could see the condemnation in my parent's eye's. However they were glad that I was now safe for the time being. As for now I was allowed to remain here. A few local police had been ordered to guard our home and if any signs that Duel may be near I was to be removed quickly. It saddened me that this was now my life, living in hiding and fear. Thankfully I was able to maintain my college classes online and have a small touch of normalcy but I was never allowed to leave my home or reach out to the friend's I left behind. I was now the prisoner.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

What's your take on the new Duel?

Will he find Zoe and rekindle the flame? Make her his queen?

Do you think that he will search Chelley out in time for revenge?

Will Duel build a huge empire and be the leader he claims?

Will there ever be a reconciliation with Duel and his family?

Did Chelley bring this on herself or did she react as most anybody would?

Will her life ever return to normal and will she ever be allowed to come out of hiding?

Thanks for everything!! Can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts and reactions!!!

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