No One Was Ready For Me

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Total shutdown.

This must be that feeling I've heard my Pape, uncle Cole and G-pop discuss so many time's. I can hear my blood racing through my veins. An electrical current cruised through my bones and the only thought I could process was murder.... Kill.... Death.

This has to be what they was talking about when they learned of my mother's, aunt and G-mamas disappearances. That one phone call from Scorn mentioning the abduction of Chelly had the power to bring forth a hunger for murder like I've never felt. Not even the copper who destroyed my family had the ability to bring such anger on. All I could see was the innocent, sweet look that filled Chelly's eye's. If I didn't fix this I can't imagine what would happen to that light. There's no way Chelly would survive something of this magnitude, it just wasn't in her. And if she did survive she'd never be the same but I have the power to stop this.

Yes, it will be hard without the aid of my family. I kinda screwed myself over by announcing my departure from the family so now I'm on my own. But I've handled worse on my own so I'm sure I can handle this. I berated myself for not taking my phone or at least a weapon but Pape insisted that I leave everything behind. Wouldn't you know some shit would pop off the one time that I did obey him. At least I had cash so buying a second hand gun was a cinch.

Taking a uber to meet up with Scorn at his country hideout I berated myself even more. I should've took the time to purchase a car but I was in a haste to reach Chelly. Upon arrival I was quickly ushered into Scorn's home and directed to his office. He sat leaned back in his chair puffing on a cigar as if he had won a victory. As I approached his desk he smiled like the Cheshire cat and didn't invite me to sit down which was fine by me. What I planned to do I couldn't do sitting down.

Finally he spoke as if he were getting ready to tell a joke. "Have you ever heard the saying a little to late?"

I simply shrugged in a reply. Of course I've heard that saying but hearing it from him made a twisted feeling in my guts. "Well Duel it seems you were a little too late. The job's been handled".

That's when I noticed some bruises and scratches on his face. Something told me I wasn't going to like where this was heading. Yes, I had planned on taking him out before he got his hands on Chelly but knowing that he possibly already has her made this situation sticky. I couldn't take him out until I knew her whereabouts. Acting cool, I said. "Way to cut my throat. I was looking forward to this deal. I needed the cash".

" Yea, well we both know why I couldn't truly hire you for this job. I'm aware of the past you share with the girl. Not for a moment did I think you wouldn't come here with the intent to kill me". He said matter of factly.

"Well since the cat is out of the bag where is she?" I hissed.

Scorn chuckled and stubbed his cigar out. Leaning up on his elbows he stared at me intently. "They, where are they".

I stared at him confused. What is he talking about? "Who is they?" I inquired gruffly.

He grinned like a jackal. "Seems I have a few special people. My intentions were to just abduct Chelly but she had company when I arrived. Company that will really fatten my pockets".

" Who? " I demanded to know and have him stop with the guessing game.

"Well there is that annoying friend of Chelly's. The girl Jensey and you must admit that she's a burden" . Scorn said illy.

I shrugged. Yes Jensey was Chelly's friend but no importance to me. My main goal was saving Chelly. "She's not important to me". I offered.

" No, probably not but what about your wife Zoe? You remember her don't you? " He laughed.

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