Chapter Ten

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Draco closed his eyes with all his strengths and shook his head as he let out a loud sob.

—I'M NOT LIKE THEM! —He yelled in rage.

My body started shaking. I was so scared. I'd never seen such a wrath. Draco looked at me. Tears of fear were rolling down my cheeks. He fell down to his knees and hugged my legs.

—I'm so sorry, gorgeous. I didn't mean to yell at you. Please forgive me —he broke down into tears.

I kneeled down and cupped his beautiful face gently with my hands. His beautiful grey eyes were red and swollen, still with tears, and I wiped his tears away with my kisses.

—Draco, love, please tell me that this is a nightmare.

—I wish I could, (Y/N) —he sighed and wiped my tears away with his kisses—. I'm a son of Death Eaters. The Malfoys have been Death Eaters for generations. Your parents surely know it, that's why they got weird when you told them what my last name is, and I bet that's why they're so interested in meeting me... —I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands—. I have this bloody mark since I was 11. Despite of the family tree I have, I never wanted to become a Death Eater and my mother supported me, but my father wanted me to be like him —he frowned—. My father himself burned this bloody mark on my arm! —He exclaimed grabbing his left forearm—. MY FATHER! —He yelled in anger—. My mother begged him not to do it, but he didn't want to listen to her... It's said that the Dementor's kiss is a needle pricking compared to the pain you feel when the Dark Mark is burned on your skin... How a father can do that to his 11 year old son? I was... —his voice broke— ...just a child.

—Oh my God! My sweet Draco, but what have they done to you?

—And there's more.

—More? —He nodded.

—Last year, a massive worldwide attack to infiltrate the Death Eaters in the Ministries was plotted —he sighed—. France was the main target.


—I didn't...

—Last year —I interrupted him—, I was having a wonderful family dinner at home with my parents. It was Christmas Eve. A strange green light ball appeared floating above the table. Suddenly, an even stranger black fog started to emerge from it...

—Death Eaters —my mother whispered.

—Get down! —My father yelled and we throw ourselves to the floor.

The light ball exploded and everything that was made of crystal and porcelain blew up into pieces. Since the lamps exploded, part of my house was on fire. Three Death Eaters apparated. One of them grabbed me by my hair from behind and pulled, forcing me to stand up. The others did the same to my parents.

—What do you want?! Don't touch my wife neither my daughter! —My father shouted.

Then one more came out from the shadows. It was a woman. She had long curly black hair and was wearing a long black dress.

—You —she pointed at my father— and you —she pointed at my mother— are gonna convince the Minister to hire new staff. We need our people to be in the Ministry.

—That's not gonna happen! —My mother exclaimed.

—We're not gonna help the Death Eaters, ever! —My father shouted.

—Do we take them prisoners? —The death eater who was holding my father asked.

—No. They're Pure-Bloods —she answered—. But I know exactly how to make them change their minds...

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