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"Come in," I said sitting at my desk, where I'd worked all morning, receiving students who had doubts regarding their papers. I was exhausted and frankly, it was past 1PM and I hadn't even had lunch. I thought to myself: after this student, I'm having lunch.

Stef walked in holding a bag with what I assumed would be take out food. She smiled at me and said "Hi, love. Is this a bad time?"

I shook my head, standing up from my chair and kissing her softly. "It's perfect timing actually. I didn't know you were coming today."

"I wanted to surprise you. Things are not so busy at the office today either. Saw an opportunity, took advantage of it."

I hugged her for a while, she'd already put the bag on my desk along with her personal bag. "Hope you haven't had lunch."

"I haven't." I smiled, still hugging her.

Stef pulled away from me. "Hey, what's the matter? I thought you'd be happy."

"I'm glad you came. And brought food, because I honestly had no idea what I'd eat." She caressed my forehead and cheek softly.

"I have a veggie burger, fries and tea for you."

I smiled and kissed her softly and quickly. "Thank you."

"So what's a girl gotta do to see her wife happy?"

I shook my head as Stef set the "table" for us. "You do more than enough and I love you for it. It's just been a tough morning."

"Why is that?" She asked, handing me my burger and fries.

I sighed. "I've been working a lot this morning, which would be fine, if it hadn't been for my mother calling me and pressuring me into giving her grandchildren."

I saw Stef turn to look at me. "Well, we are giving Dana grandchildren at some point. It's what we both want, right?"

I smiled. "Yes. But I'm happy with the way things are now."

Stef started eating her burger while I sipped my tea. "I'm way too selfish to share you with anyone else now." She winked at me. Her winks were so powerful.

I nodded. "Me too."

"Then let's cheer up, shall we? Don't let Dana get to you. We're happy the way we are now; there's no reason to change that immediately."

I agreed. "Sometimes I think I don't deserve you."

Stef laughed. "I'm choosing to ignore this sentence. By the way, do you HAVE to look this hot everyday? Isn't there a policy against that?"

"Jesus Christ, stop being so sily." I laughed.

We resumed eating and flirting. Stef was mainly flirting and I was simply responding to it and feeling better within a matter of fifteen minutes.

When we finished eating, Stef looked at me. "Come here." She grabbed me by the arms and made me sit on her lap.

"What are you so insecure about?" She whispered this in my ear.

"It's my mom. Sometimes I feel this way when we talk; it'll pass."

"Well. I just want to remind you that you are an incredible woman. Anyone that has any sort of relationship with you is a lucky bastard. I'd dare say I'm the luckiest of all. You are outstanding at absolutely everything you do, and that amazes me. I love you, my love." She kissed my neck and then my lips.

"I love you too." I said after we broke apart.

Stef winked at me. "Now I actually need to get going. I just wanted to see your pretty ass."

"My ass? I thought you'd say my pretty face." I pretended to feel offended.

"I've been romantic enough. I'm actually with you for your ass." She grabbed it and kissed me at the same time. I could feel the sexual tension growing and that was dangerous. I'm at my workplace.

I pulled away from her and stood up from her lap, leaving her free to walk out. "Thank you for stopping by, feeding me and restoring my faith in myself."

Stef grabbed her bag and headed to the door, where I'd give her a last kiss. When I leaned in for a quick peck, she grabbed me and turned me around quickly, full of arousal. She gave me a promising kiss, grabbed my butt a couple more times and kissed my neck.

"Always a pleasure." She said, still holding my arms.

I smiled. "You are so getting laid tonight."

Stef grinned. She explored my mouth once again. "Something to look forward to," she said, winking again - just to drive me completely nuts - and, this time, closing the door on her way out.

A couple of hours later, still thinking about Stef and how protective she is of me - how cute it was that she'd come to surprise me at work, brought food for a quick lunch together. How unbelievably adorable that we lived together and couldn't get away from each other no matter what.

And my insecurities? Goddamn, she was a master at complimenting me and saying just what I need to hear. All while still making me feel wanted. It's uncanny.

Thinking about all of this and just how much I had to thank her for, I grabbed my phone and texted her: "I'm the lucky bastard."

A/N: Short but cute. Thanks for following this story! Make sure to check out Gold Skies too, also written by me.

Aand, by the way: wash your hands and stay home if you can! Hope you are all SAFE ❤️

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