Ra9 - 4

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Word Count: 1321

"Tell me about this Detective" Amanda stated "The daughter of Lieutenant Anderson"
Connor turned to her
"What do you make of her," She asked, watching Connor carefully


Hank and Conner both jumped into their car minutes later while Chloe followed close behind

They arrived at the abandoned building complex and began to look around

"Let's take the elevator" Connor pointed forward "The report was made from the twelfth floor''

"We'll follow you" Chloe motioned forward 

As they reached the top Chloe and Hank both began to walk out but Connor didn't follow, they both turned around and watched as Connor's eyes began to flutter once again

"Connor" Hank tried to gain his attention

No response...

"Hey, Connor!" He yelled louder "You run out of batteries or what?"

"I'm sorry Lieutenant...I was making a report to Cyberlife" Connor's eyes went back to normal

"Oh..." Hank paused waiting for Connor to move

"Well do you plan on staying in the elevator?" Chloe snickered

"No...I'm coming" Connor replied in an almost embarrassed tone tone

"So what do we know about this guy," Hank asked as the three regrouped

"Not much. Just that a neighbor reported strange noises coming from this floor" Connor replied back

"People live here?" Chloe asked stepping around cracks in the floor and piles of dust

"Nobody is supposed to be living here" Connor answered her question "But someone reported seeing a man come in hiding an led under his cap"

Chloe just nodded...she was clearly uncomfortable

"Hey were you really making a report back in the elevator?" Hank knelt looking at a crack on the ground "Just by closing your eyes?"

"Correct" Connor nodded and turned to Hank

"Wish I could do that" Chloe laughed to herself

They searched the halls until Connor found the room the report was filed for

He knocked-

No answer

He knocked again-

"Anybody home?"

There was a small noise inside...

"Open up!" He yelled out "Detroit Police!"

A loud bang came from the room, Chloe and Hank both pulled their guns out

"Stay behind me" Hank ordered the two

"Got it" Connor replied tucking behind Hank

He kicked the door in and they all entered slowly, they made it through a second door to find a room full of...pigeons?

"Looks like we came for nothing" Hank looked around "Our guy is gone"

"Not for nothing. I found a notebook" Connor whispered picking up the book "But I can't decipher it" He paused "It's encrypted"

"I hate these stupid birds" Chloe yelled she said trying to walk through the room

The trio walked around looking for clues but they couldn't find much

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