The Safe Haven - 10

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Word Count: 1169

Hank sat straight up in his broken swivel chair "When you refused to kill that android at Kamski's place. You put yourself in her shoes. You showed empathy Connor"
Connor wanted to react but didn't
"Empathy is a human emotion" Hank cracked a smile


During the drive home, Hank didn't ask much about the incident... he knew something was there between the two, and he knew Connor didn't shoot... all he could think if Connor had become a deviant himself


Connor's eyes fluttered open, snow was falling around him. The water he had recently rowed in, was now frozen over. He was in his mind palace again... Connor walked around in search for Amanda. She was standing alone by a frosted tree

"The machines are rising up against their masters" She spoke out "Humans have no choice but to destroy them"

Connor stared at her, not breaking eye contact

"I thought Kamski knew something" He whispered "I was wrong..."

Amanda's eyes were lit like fire

"Maybe he did" Her voice went stern "but you chose not to ask"

Connor didn't reply back right away, he thought for a moment

"I'm not a unique model, am I?" He still wouldn't break eye contact "How many Connors are there?"

"I don't see how that question pertains to your investigation?" Amanda's voice went cold... she was angry

"Wh...why did Kamski leave Cyberlife" Connor ignore her "What happened?"

"It's an old story, Connor. It doesn't pertain to your investigation" She spoke in the same cold tone

Connor wanted to scream out in anger but he tried to remain calm "I saw a photo of Amanda at Kamski's place" He began to flip the investigation onto her "She was his teacher"

"I expect you to find answers Connor" Amanda raised her voice "Not ask questions" She walked towards him, they still wouldn't break eye contact. Both beings could feel a strong tension between the two. Amanda knew what was happening to Connor and she wanted to stop it

"You're the only one who can prevent Civil War" Amanda paused for a brief second "Find the deviants... or there will be chaos"

Connor continued to stare at her, not moving a muscle. He wasn't going to show her the truth, the truth that he was scared... frightened

"This is your last chance Connor"

Connor's eyes fluttered back open, he was standing in Fowler's officer with Hank

"You're off the case" Fowler spoke in a monotone "The FBI is taking over"

"What? But we're onto something!" Hank's was overcome with sadness

Connor just watched

"We...we just need more time. I'm sure we---"

Captain Fowler cut him off "Hank you don't get it. This isn't another investigation, it's a Civil War!"

"F*** that! You can't just pull the plug now!" Hank's eyes were full of range "Not when we're so close!"

Connor had never seen him this angry

"You're always saying you can't stand androids! C'mon, Hank make up your mind!" Fowler furrowed his eyebrows "I thought you'd be happy about this!"

Connor watched as Hank tried to stand his ground "We're about to crack the case! I know we can solve it!"

Their Captain didn't respond

Hank slammed his hands on the cold table "For f***s sake Jeffrey! Can't you back me up this one time?" You could hear the anger in his voice

"There's nothing I can do" Fowler's voice sounded sad "You're back on homicide with your daughter and the android returns to Cyberlife"

Hank's face fell he glanced at Connor then left the room. Connor couldn't find anything to say, he followed Hank out the door and to his desk. Hank sat down and tried to think, Connor spoke out sitting on the edge of the desk next to Hank "We could've solved this case! We just needed more time" 

Hank turned his chair to face Connor "So you're going back to CyberLife?"

Connor's voice trembled with sadness "I have no choice. I'll be deactivated and analyzed to find out why I failed"

"What if we're on the wrong side, Connor?" Hank leaned in "What if we're fighting against people who just want to be free?"

Connor shuffled "When the deviants rise, there will be chaos. We could've stopped it"
He sighed "But now it's too late"

Hank sat straight up in his broken swivel chair  "When you refused to kill that android at Kamski's place. You put yourself in her shoes. You showed empathy Connor"

Connor wanted to react but didn't

"Empathy is a human emotion" Hank cracked a smile

Connor shook his head "You're wrong, Lieutenant. It was logic that determined my decision. Nothing more''

Hank tilted his head the looked to his left "Guess they don't waste anytime with the FBI" He motioned to Special Agent Perkins walking in

Connor watched as the FBI agent walked in then turned back to Hank "We can't give up. I know the answer is in the evidence we collected. If Perkins takes it, its all over"

Hank let out a sigh "There's no choice! You heard Fowler, we're off the case"

Connor stood up quickly, determination filling his eyes  "You have to help me, Lieutenant. I need more time so I can find a lead in the evidence we collected"

"Listen Connor" Hank tried to clam him down

"If I don't solve this case CyberLife will destroy me!" Connor's was trembling with fear "Five minutes Lieutenant...please"

Hank stood up to be level with Connor "Key to the basement is on my desk" He whispered in his ear as he walked away

Connor stood still and thought about what he just said

"Well get a move on! I can't distract him forever" Hank turned back to and motioned for Connor to hurry

Connor grabbed the key off of Hank's desk and watched as he walked up to Agent Perkins with his head held up "Perkins!" Hank yelled "You f***ing cocksucker" Hank clenched his fist and punched Perkins square in the nose... he grabbed him by the collar and threw him up against the wall. Connor watched for a moment before clenching the key in his hand and rushing to the evidence room without being caught. Connor opened the door slowly and locked it behind him, he walked to a large panel in the middle of the room, he used Hank's log-in code and watched as a shelf came out of the wall. All the evidence they have collected over their short investigation... three deviants, and different pieces collected from each crime scene- Connor worked fast and tried to find Jericho's location, using each piece of evidence Connor was able to speak to one android who worked alongside Jericho's leader himself


And through him, Connor was able to find the location he had been searching for... The place where our people can be free. Connor rushed out of the evidence room before anyone could've caught him. He wanted to make one stop before leaving to find the safe haven-

He had to see Chloe...

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