The People - 14

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Word Count: 854

"Y-you can't do that" Connor was shivering"Don't have any regrets... you accomplished your mission" She kept the same smile then disappeared"AMANDA" Connor yelled


"Chloe" Markus walked over to her "We appreciate your help... but I'm asking you for your safety, to please stand from the sidelines"

"What?" Chloe stuttered in shock "No I---"

Markus cut her off "I'm asking you, for Connor. He wants you to stay safe. I'm doing this on the behalf of my friend" He slowly touched her shoulder

She nodded and smiled "I know you can save your people Markus" Chloe ducked behind a burned-up car and made her way back to the metal fence. She knew that if she was spotted, she would be arrested. She stood behind the fence, feeling as if her heart was going to pound out of her chest

A grenade was thrown over the barricade, and Chloe had to watch as the androids were thrown back... she shuttered in fear. She couldn't see much but the gunshots echoed through her head

They were surrounded

Markus stood still then turned to North, he grabbed her hand and leaned in for a kiss

The world watched in disbelief... Androids are seemingly in love. The guards that surrounded them all lowered their guns slowly

"Tell them to stand down" Chloe heard orders being radioed over

The guards looked around in confusion but still walked away and went back to their stations. Everyone gleamed in joy as Markus held North closely

"Look!" An android pointed

"It's Connor!" Another yelled

Chloe turned her head and watched as Connor marched through the streets with thousands of androids following. "He did it" Chloe sighed with relief, tears filled her eyes

"You did it Markus" Connor let out a soft grin as he approached him

"We did it" Markus smiled "This is a great day for our people"

Chloe ran through an opening in the fence and rushed to Connor and she jumped into his arms. Connor gripped her tightly knowing what had just happened

"You're free" She spoke quietly

Connor grabbed her waist, pulled her close, and kissed her lips. Something he has wanted to do for days now...Chloe slowly stepped back and smiled, her heart was full of happiness

"They want you to speak to them Markus" North whispered to him

Markus and North climbed onto a truck laying on its side

I want you and Chloe to stand with me, Connor Markus spoke to Connor through his led

Connor grabbed onto Chloe's hand and walked with her to the truck. He helped her up as Markus began to speak

"Today! Our people finally emerged from a long night" Markus yelled out... Chloe and Connor stood side by side listening closely

"From the very first day of our existence, we have kept our pain to ourselves. We suffered in silence, but now the time has come for us to raise our heads and tell humans who we really are..."

Connor's eyes fluttered close, he entered his mind palace... the place was in a blizzard as snow fell around him

Amanda was standing in front of him

"Amanda?" Connor asked scared "What's happening?"

"What was planned from the very beginning" She let out an evil smile "you became a deviant...we just had to wait for the right moment to resume control of your program"

"Y-you can't do that" Connor was shivering

"Don't have any regrets... you accomplished your mission" She kept the same smile then disappeared

"AMANDA" Connor yelled

She was gone

"There's got to be a way" Connor whispered to himself

Then, Elijah Kamski's words rang through his head "By the way... I always leave an emergency exit in my programs. You never know"

Connor hurried as fast as he could to find any way out


Chloe listened carefully to Markus speak but she noticed Connor move from the corner of her eye... he was reaching for his gun

"Connor" She tried to speak softly "What are you doing"

He didn't respond as she stared into his blank eyes

"Answer me!" Chloe tried not to draw any attention to them


Connor found a small panel in the center of the garden. It was lit up blue, he knew exactly what he had to do. He began to place his hand onto the panel slowly, his eyes fluttered open as he began to gasp for air 

"Connor!" Chloe was still trying to shake him

He turned his head to her, dazed... she motioned down to his hand, holding a gun

He slowly put the gun back into his holster and looked down

"What happened" Chloe whispered

Connor looked up and smiled

"WE ARE ALIVE" Markus yelled, his voice full of confidence "AND NOW WE ARE FREE!"

"I'm free" Connor whispered with tears filling his eyes

He reached for Chloe's hand

"We're free..."

A/N- HI EVERYONE!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS!!! This was probably the best story I've ever written. It made me so happy to write!!! I hope you enjoyed it!!! I love you ALL AND THANK YOU FOR READING TO THE END!!! - N.S

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