The Secret - 5

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Word Count: 1047

Connor caught him and tried to stop him from falling, he slowly set him back down. He chuckled as he thought of a plan "I understand" He started to walk to the door "It probably wasn't interesting anyways... a man found dead in a sex club downtown" He turned back to Hank "Guess they'll have to solve the case without us" Connor tried to hold back a laugh


His eyes fluttered open, Connor was standing in the police station. He stepped out of his holding chamber and began to walk around

I need to start on this case Connor thought But where is Lieutenant Anderson

Connor searched the whole police station but couldn't find him

"Excuse me?" Connor stopped a busy police officer walking past "Do you know where Lieutenant Anderson is?"

"He went home about an hour ago" He looked at Connor and looked back down at a pile of papers

Connor nodded and they parted ways. He made his way outside in the pouring rain. It was 8:32 at night, Connor climbed into a taxi and made his way to Hank's house

He knocked on the door

"Lieutenant Anderson.."

No response-

"Anybody home?" He called out

Still no response-

Connor walked around the tiny household looking through windows trying to see any sign of Hank. He spotted him unconscious on the floor...

"Lieutenant Anderson!" He yelled out in a panic

He used his arm and busted in the window. Glass shattered all over the floor and Connor dove inside, he moved over to him. He had found traces of whiskey and saw a spilled bottle of Black Lamb next to him
Connor scanned his heart... thankfully it was still beating

"Lieutenant" He tried to wake him up

He patted his cheek

"Wake up Lieutenant!" Connor said a little louder

Hank moved his head a little and mumbled a few words. Connor hit him on the side of his head as hard as he could without hurting him... hank blinked a few times

"It's me, Connor"

Hank still didn't respond, Connor grabbed his hand and pulled him up...

"Hey!" Hank groaned

"I'm going to sober you up for your safety" Connor struggled to pick him up

"I have to warn you" Connor paused as Hank tried to speak

"Leave me alone you f***ing android" Hank yelled

"This may be unpleasant" Connor finished

"Get the f*** out of my houussse" Hank slurred

"I'm sorry Lieutenant but I need you" He struggled to hold him up

"Thank you in advance for your cooperation" Connor struggled as he began to walk to the bathroom

"Get the f*** out of here" Hank waved his arms

Connor stumbled but tried to get Hank to the bathroom

"Sumo! Attackkk" He slurred drunkenly

Sumo, Hank's dog barked but slowly placed his head back down

"Good dog" He mumbled fallen in and out of consciousness

Connor opened the door with one hand while he kept Hank up with the other, he placed him in the bathtub and stood over him

"I don't wan-na a bath" Hank tried to stand up "Thank you" Connor pushed him back into the tub with a flick of his finger

"I'm sorry Lieutenant, but this is for your own good" Connor turned on the ice-cold water

Hank started to yell "Turn it off!!!" He screamed

Connor turned off the water and watched as Hank shook his head... it was almost as if he shook the drunkenness out of him

"What the hell are you doing here" Hank questioned realizing what was happening

"A homicide was reported precisely 43 minutes ago. I asked at the station and they said you we're home"

Hank was breathing heavily "Jeez I must be the only cop in the world" He sat up "-that's gets assaulted in his own house by his own android"

"Can't you leave me alone" Hank shoved his finger in Connor's face

"Unfortunately I cannot" Connor replied in a casual tone "I've been programmed to investigate this case and I can't do it without you"

"I don't give a shit about your case!" Hank yelled at Connor

"Lieutenant" Connor paused "You're not yourself"

"BEAT IT!" Hank tried to stand up but stumbled

Connor caught him and tried to stop him from falling, he slowly set him back down. He chuckled as he thought of a plan "I understand" He started to walk to the door "It probably wasn't interesting anyways... a man found dead in a sex club downtown" He turned back to Hank "Guess they'll have to solve the case without us" Connor tried to hold back a laugh

Hank groaned "You know... it probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air..." He paused

"There are some clothes  in the bedroom there" He pointed at the door

"I'll go get them" Connor nodded walking out of the room

The minute he was out of Hank's sight he let out a big smile

He's too easy  He thought

Connor slid open Hank's bedroom closet

"What do you want to wear!" He called out

"Whatever" Hank mumbled back

Connor pulled out an outfit and walked back to the bathroom

"Are you okay Lieutenant?" Connor asked as he watched Hank hunched over the toilet

"Yeah" He coughed "Wonderful"

"Just give me five min---" Hank began to throw up

Connor closed his eyes and left the room... "Gross" He whispered to himself

Connor walked around as he waited for Hank and found family photo's throughout the house

He picked up a picture of a girl and a boy riding tricycles together

He scanned the girl's face

Chloe Anderson, DOB: 10/26/19, Current Age 23

He scanned the boy's face

Cole Anderson, DOB: 10/26/19, DOD: 12/09/25

Cole?  Connor thought

He then realized... that boy was almost identical to Chloe

They shared the same birthd-- Connor spoke to himself 

He stood there for a minute questioning the matter, Connor placed the photo back on the tableside and looked around... he didn't know what to do

"Ready Connor?" Hank asked walking out of the bathroom

Connor turned around quickly, he just nodded

"Let's go?" Hank knew something was up

He grabbed his keys off the coffee table by the front door

"Be a good dog Sumo" He patted his dog's head and the boys left together

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