The Turing Test - 9

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Word Count: 1894

"Chloe I'm serious'' Hank looked at his young daughter
Hank cut her off "I'm not asking you as your boss. I'm telling you... as your father"
Chloe looked down "I just want to help Dad"


With the new information but no leads, Hank could only think of one thing... they needed to go to the man who created Cyberlife himself

"Elijah Kamski"

Connor was about to meet his maker, they wanted to speak to the creator himself and find out the truth about "Jericho"

"You ready Connor?" Hank swiveled his chair to stand up

Connor stood up from his desk "Yes Lieutenant"

'Well let's get a move on" Hank motioned

Connor just nodded as they both walked to the car, During the thirty-minute drive Chloe called Hank.

He glanced down at his phone "Can you grab that Connor" Hank continued to watch the road

Connor just nodded and picked up the phone

"Hello?" Connor asked

"Connor?" Chloe questioned, "Where's my dad?"

He turned to Hank "He's sitting next to me"

"We'll can I talk to him" She giggled

"He's driving"

"Oh..." Chloe laughed "We'll can you put me on speaker"

Connor set the phone on the dashboard and put it on speaker

"Chloe?" Hank asked

"Hi Dad" 

"Why'd you call?"

"Wow, I can't even call my own dad" She giggled again

"You usually don't call" Hank sighed

"That's true" She laughed

There was silence

Chloe sighed "You're going to see Kamski and I want to come"

"There it is" Hank groaned

Connor looked at Hank

"How did you know that?" Connor questioned Chloe

"Gavin's chatting it up to the whole force," She said in a normal tone

Hank let out a loud sigh "You're not allowed to come. We don't know how this guy will act. It could be dangerous"

"Well I'm already here so..." Chloe mocked her Dad's sigh "See you guys soon!"

"Wait, Chloe---"

She hung up

Hank hit the steering wheel "Why can't she listen!?" He yelled

"Maybe she just wants to help" Connor tried to calm Hank down

"What is going on between you two?" Hank turned to Connor

"I don't know what you mean Lieutenant" He tried to ignore the question

"You know what I mean" Hank's voice was full of anger "Ever since you've shown up, she's been acting like this!"

Connor remained silent

Hank tried to think of proof "On the bridge, she went to go see you!"

"That's because I messaged her, so she could come and help you" Connor paused "You're the one who pushed her away"

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