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An Yu went outside the PJ Masks Headquarters to investigate what Thantos planning right now.

There were some patrolling Demonic soldiers everywhere in the town. Some people are held captive. The dragon girl had to sneak through without being seen by any Thantos' minions.

She used her martial arts skill as to evade the patrolling enemies.

15 minutes later...

An Yu had found Thantos with some soldiers nearby at the playground. She peeked carefully by the wall to see what they're up to.

An Yu: Now, what are you up to, Thantos?

The dragon girl whispered to herself.

Thantos: Once the making of ultimate seed is complete, I shall use this to turn whole world into malfested warriors!

Versago: So what's the status of it, my Lord?

Thantos: Not yet nearing to finish it for now. But this will soon be completed.

Still unaware of her spying at them, An Yu quietly gasped in horror over hearing Thantos' dangerous plan.

An Yu: I can't let him happen that.

An Yu whispered.

Demonic Soldier: Um, sir? What about those superhero kids? What if they try to stop you from making it?

The leader of Demonic Army find it simple to answer the question.

Thantos: Then, we just have to keep them off it. You know what to do when they ambush. Those supers won't be foiling my plan here.

Demonic Soldier: Oh, of course, my Lord.

An Yu knew the plan was very serious; the ultimate seed would turn the whole people into malfested, even her and her friends. She knew that the demon leader had to be stopped soon before he completes on making the ultimate seed.

An Yu: Thantos must be stopped. I must warn my friends about this.

She quietly sneaks away without having any of them alerted. An Yu sneaks back to the HQ to inform them about Thantos' plan.

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