The Malfested in a Way

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Gekko was about to regaining his consciousness as he slowly opens his eyes to see his friends and Armadylan carrying Gekko, while moving.

Gekko: Ugh... where... am I?

Hearing his voice and seeing him awake, they gasped in shock.

Armadylan: Gekko, you're awake!

He hugs Gekko but because he has super strength, his hug is really tight.

Gekko: Agh- Thanks, Armadylan. But, um, not...too...tight!

Armadylan: Oh, I'm so sorry.

Armadylan stopped the hug and puts the lizard boy down but Gekko wasn't mad at him.

Gekko: Nah, it's fine.

Armadylan: I sometimes forget about that.

He said with scratching behind his head. Gekko was also surprised when he turns to see Catboy also being here too.

Gekko: Catboy, you-you're here...

Catboy: Y-yeah, I guess you missed me too, buddy.

Gekko walked towards Catboy and hugs him.

Gekko: But, how were you able to get back here?

Owlette: Let's just say he had a little help.

Gekko: Huh?

Gekko gives a confused look at Owlette, while Catboy nodded at him.

Gekko: N-never mind. At least you're back.

Not wanting to waste too much time, An Yu had to finish off their conversation.

An Yu: Save the chat later. We need to go and stop Thantos before he completes making the ultimate seed.

They continued their move to stop Thantos.

Meanwhile, at the Tarabiscoville port...

It was shown that Thantos had been keeping eye on them using his crystal ball.

Thantos: So you superheroes dare to disrupt my plan, isn't it? Hehe. Well, I know what to do about that.

He clears his throat, before shouting to call some soldiers.

Thantos: Guards!

Upon hearing the call of their leader, the soldiers approached to the demon.

Demonic Soldier: Yes, sir?

Thantos: Those superhero kids are coming on my way. Send some forces of our army and hold those kids off until I'm finish completing the ultimate seed. Make sure they do not reach to me, while I'm still not finished with the seed.

Demonic Soldier: Yes, sir!

The soldiers then proceeded to do what Thantos had ordered them to.

At the street, near the road by the gates of Tarabiscoville park...

Five malfested soldiers hopped on front of the heroes from a building and had blocked their way.

Armadylan: Ugh! We're under attacked!

Newton: Hey, those two... what kind of creature are they?

The malfested two soldiers looked different from other malfested and were clearly not human. But An Yu had knew what they are.

An Yu: Those two are mutated. That means they're completely turned into true malfested form. And the bad thing is... they're the most powerful kinds of malfested.

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