Saving Gekko

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The heroes went outside the PJ Masks Headquarters, they're now proceeding to achieve their main goal. But first, they had to go save Gekko forst. They also needed to sneak past the patrolling demons everywhere in the town, while searching for Gekko.

They see a demon heading towards them.

Catboy: Hide!

Catboy quietly warned. Quickly, they all hid in the bush before the demon could catch his eye on them. A demon then stopped in front of their hiding spot.

An Yu: We need to distract him.

Armadylan: I got this.

They whispered. The armadillo threw a rock at the post. Hearing that noise, the demon was distracted and went to where the noise came from. With the demon gone in their view, they quietly went out from their hiding spot.

An Yu: Come on.

They then continue their move. There was then scream heard. The heroes gasped and went to where the sound came from. And what widened their eyes is they saw... Gekko but in malfested form. He had killed the man and woman who tried to run for their lives. Gekko turned to see his friends and glared at them.

Malfested Gekko: Grrr... you...

His voice sounded like a beast. It was now already clear that while being malfested, reasoning with him wouldn't help him recognize his friends.

Malfested Gekko: GRYAAAAHHHH!!!

Newton prepared the cure potion as Gekko let out his thunderous roar and launched his attack on them. The heroes dodged his attack. Being their friend, they had to be careful while trying to get him freed from the malfestation without hurting him.


Owlette: This isn't you, Gekko...

Behind him, Armadylan kicked Gekko's leg, causing the possessed lizard boy to lose his balance and restrains him.


The PJs and the dragon girl joined to restrain Gekko.

Armadylan: Newton, the cure potion!

Newton: I'm on it!

Malfested Gekko: GRR... SUPER...GEKKO...MU-

Before he could use the super muscles, Newton quickly injected Gekko with the cure potion by its needle.

Malfested Gekko: AAACK!

Gekko's eyes slowly turns back to normal. The malfestation power had completely been removed from his body. He collapsed on the ground, being unconscious.

The heroes get their hands off Gekko's body. They were relieved that they successfully saved their friend from the evil power.

Armadylan: Oh, Gekko!

Armadylan hugged Gekko's unconscious body. The others smiled.

An Yu: Now that we have saved our friend here, there's only one left remaining we need to do right now. We'll need to have ourselves fully prepared first before we go and get that demon.

They nodded. Armadylan carried Gekko's unconscious body by his arms and they make their move.

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