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In the blood eclipse in the red sky. At the top of the museum, Thantos prepares to unleash the power of Soul Edge against the world.

Thantos: Hahaha. The time has finally come! Now, Soul Edge, arise and be unleashed!

He raised up the cursed sword towards the sky and unleashes its power. The world was starting to shake its grounds.

At Catboy's garage of his house...

Catboy: Armadylan, can you take care of Owlette's wound?

Armadylan: Sure.

While Armadylan was trying to deal with Owlette's wounds, Catboy starts to show what he was talking about ago. He removed the cover, revealing the... dimensional portal machine.

Catboy: This... is what I was talking about.

Gekko: Is that some kind of... portal???

Catboy: This is called a 'dimensional portal machine'. Well, of course, it's a portal alright.

Newton: You're like a scientist, Catboy. Never thought you would make an invention like this.

Newton jokingly said.

Catboy: Ghahehe, right...

He smirked.

Gekko: Does this mean, we're travelling to a different world to save us from danger here? Catboy, I-I don't know about this... but what about everyone else, our classmates, teacher and...

Catboy: We have no choice, Gekko. I don't want everyone else to die either. But... it became too late for that. If we stay here, we all die. I don't want our lives wasten for nothing.

An Yu: I believe you make a point.

Gekko: Gosh, there's really no other choice, isn't it?

They stared each other with a sad look, while Catboy shakes his head. With a sigh, Gekko reluctantly agreed with Catboy's plan.

Gekko: Alright, let's do it.

Catboy nodded. They start to feel the ground was shaking, making An Yu aware that Thantos was now unleashing the Soul Edge's power.

An Yu: Catboy, whatever you do, make it hurry!

Catboy: I'm gonna power up now the portal. Grab all of your stuff you need.

Without wasting a time, they nodded and hurriedly went to grab their items with them before travelling to the portal. Catboy goes to plug the dimensional portal and as he does, the portal activated. The ground once again shakes. He went outside to see a thing that is like a storm.

Catboy: Come on, guys, hurry up...

Armadylan with An Yu had quickly arrived with some items.

Armadylan: I'm back. Thanks for the help, An Yu.

An Yu: Your welcome, my friend.

Catboy: Alright, now only Gekko and Newton left we need to wait for.

In just any minute, Newton had returned.

Newton: I'm here!

Catboy: Okay, now only Gekko left.

Meanwhile, at Gekko's house...

Gekko quickly grabbed some of his stuff in his bedroom and loads them in the two sacks.

Gekko: Now, that's all I need.

Worse, the ground shakes uncontrollably caused by the power of Soul Edge. He takes the two sacks of his items and quickly exits his house in hurry.

Catboy: Oh, Gekko, come on... where are you?

Gekko: I'm here!

Catboy: Phew, finally... come on!

He went inside and it seems everyone have all prepared their things.

Catboy: Alright, is everybody here?

Armadylan: Yep.

Gekko: Yeah.

An Yu: Indeed.

Newton: Yes.

They replied except Owlette who was still unconscious. Finally, they prepare to get into the portal. Catboy walked to Owlette, lying down on the sofa and carried her by his arms. Once again, the ground continuously shakes.

Catboy: Let's go!

They all jumped into the dimensional portal and have disappeared in view.

Outside, there was an explosion. The ultimate seed, containing the malfestations was now spreading to the whole world. Every people started turning into malfested.

Man: AAAHHH! What the heck is- uuuu... Ghoooooaaaaaarrrggghhhh


Malfested Steven: I SHALL...SUBMIT...THEIR...SOULS!

The whole people in Tarabiscoville have all been turned into malfested, probably including also the other cities and seemingly, none have survive from being affected from the malfestation.

At the top of higher building, Thantos with at ease arms at his back, watches the town burn, his men swarm over the town and people turning into monsters.

Thantos: Ghehehe. The world falls. No more hope remains.

PJ Masks - The Fall of TarabiscovilleWhere stories live. Discover now