Death or Glory

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Catboy, Owlette and An Yu had arrived the port but Thantos was not nowhere to be seen there. But what they saw is a strange reddish hole.

Owlette: What is that?

Catboy: And where's Thantos?

An Yu: Hmm, that's an astral fissure.

The two PJ Masks were unfamiliar with that.

Catboy: What's that?

An Yu: Astral fissures are the reddish holes that contains the power of... malfestation. They randomly appear everywhere in the world. When a weak one dares to approach it, they turn into a malfested, if approached by a strong person, a berserker will always come out from that hole.

Catboy and Owlette gave a slight nod to her explanation.

Thantos: So... you're finally here, but you are all too late.

The trio gasped and turns around to see Thantos behind them. He was also holding a sword that has an eye in its middle.

Catboy: What on cat-whiskers kind of sword is that?

An Yu: That's... the soul edge.

Thantos: That's right, Dragon Girl. But now, with the ultimate seed combined in this cursed sword, I shall now destroy the humanity! Time to-

Owlette shot a numerous pointy feathers towards the demon before he could unleash the power of Soul Edge.

Owlette: I'm gonna stop you!

Catboy: Owlette, be careful!

Thantos evilly laughed.

Thantos: So you want to play first, huh? Very well, then. I shall grant your wish.

Thantos sticked the cursed sword on the ground by its sharp needle before facing the fight on them.

Thantos: Do not say I didn't warn you. Now take this!

He unleashed some fireballs and laser waves towards them but they dodged his projectiles. After that, they rush to Thantos and attack him.

An Yu: Hiyah!

Catboy: Super cat stripes!

Catboy had tied the demon with his cat stripes as An Yu waved her staff towards him.


Thantos pulled the cat stripes that also pulls Catboy and shot him a laser wave.

Catboy: AAAHHH!

The laser wave pained him. With his super-strength, Thantos punched him by his stomach, pushing him by its force. Owlette was so angered by this.

Owlette: Don't you dare try to hurt my friend!

The owl-girl even try to punch him in numerous times but her lacking a super-strength did not give Thantos a pain in his body.

Thantos: Gwahahaha! Is that all you got, Owl-kid?

He then grabs Owlette by his neck, choking her.

Owlette: Huuu... ack! Ackack!!

It was no use for her to get freed from his strong grip. He then impales Owlette with the Soul Edge sword, giving her the extreme pain.


Much to their horror, they gasped of what the demon just done to her.


Thantos: Hmph. Such a weakling.

He drops Owlette on the ground. She was now bleeding from her wound.

Meanwhile, by the First Gate of Tarabiscoville Port...

The trio were in exhaustion who finally defeated Versago.

Versago: Uuuuggghhh.... such strength...

Armadylan: Take... that!

He finishes Versago off by charging his fist then punches the demon, pushing him to the fence wall.


He soon hit the fence wall and could not anymore stand up. Before dying from his injuries, he said his last words.

Versago: Forgive me... my Lord... I...have...failed you... uuugghhhh...

Newton: We got... him! Yey...

They breathed heavily from their exhaustion.

At the Tarabiscoville Port...

Catboy: Owlette, please stay with me!

Thantos: Bwahahahahaha! I knew you heroes are too weak to stop me! Now, excuse me, I have to unfinished business to do. Tuh-tuh!

An Yu: Wait!

But it was too late for her to stop Thantos as he already teleported away. Now, the whole world is in danger.

Owlette: Catboy... I want... you... to know this...

Catboy: Owlette...

Catboy sobs in tears, thinking she's in verge of death.

Owlette: I love you...

He gasped to hear that.

Catboy: Gee, Owlette.... I-I.... I love... you too.

Owlette: I really- AHH! Oww... really hurts... help...

She was losing her consciousness and her vision is distorted.

Catboy: Hang in there, Owlette! You're not dead yet! I know that...

An Yu: Catboy... we weren't able to stop Thantos and he got away. This world will fall in any moment now. It is too late to save everyone. We're about to lose our lives.

Catboy: In that case, except us actually.

An Yu was confused by his word.

An Yu: What do you mean by 'except us'?

Catboy: I have something that will save us from death. But it's only going to be us, not everyone else.

Gekko: Hey, guys!

Gekko called out to them with breathing heavily with Armadylan and Newton by his side.

Catboy: Gekko, Armadylan, Newton, you guys okay!

Armadylan: Yeah, phew... we had a hard time defeating that demon.

Newton: Did you guys got him?

Catboy sadly let out a sigh.

Catboy: I'm afraid not. We're not able to stop him. He managed to overpower us! And-

They suddenly noticed the unconscious Owlette being badly wounded and was bleeding but only a little since Catboy was trying to hold her bleed.

Gekko: Gasping Gekkos! Owlette! Is she okay?!

Catboy: I hope so. For now, it's too late now to do anything to stop Thantos. This world is about to be filled with Malfested.

Gekko: That means we're all gonna die NOW!?!

Catboy: Except us. While it's too late to save the world now, we can still escape this world.

An Yu: Escape this world? Would that really be possible?

Catboy: If you want to know, then come on. Let's go to my house.

He carried an unconscious and wounded Owlette by his arms, then heads to his house and other heroes quickly followed.

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