A Fight to the Death

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After the clash with the malfested, the continued on their way to Thantos. But sooner, they were spotted by numerous Demonic Soldiers.

Demonic Soldier: Hey! They're they are! Get them! Don't let them get to Lord Thantos!

Having encountered many demonic soldiers, An Yu thinks of something that would help them reach to the Demonic Leader on time.

An Yu: We're gonna have to fight our way through them. We don't have time to take them out.

With a warcry, the numerous Demonic Soldiers charged towards them.

An Yu: You friends, ready?

Catboy, Owlette, Gekko, Armadylan and Newton: Ready!

They said with a nod and they also charged towards the demons as well.

They clashed each other, while trying to pass through them. Each of demon's attacks were dodged.

Demonic Soldier: Don't let get away! We cannot let our Lord down!

More waves of demonic soldiers were approaching in their way.

Catboy: Ugh! There's too many of them!

An Yu: They must have been sent by Thantos to slow us down.

Demonic Soldier: GRRYAAAHHH!

A demon waved its sword towards Catboy but avoided its attack and while open, Catboy had struck him down with the staff.

Armadylan: Take this, you bad guys! It's slamming... time!

Gekko helps Armadylan to jump higher and then prepares his fist to slam on the ground before dropping himself on the ground. Rounds of soldiers were knockbacked by the earthquake created by Armadylan.

Although there were still many demons trying to stand in their way, they all refuse to give up and continued fighting their way.

At the Tarabiscoville port...

Versago was guarding his boss. Thantos was almost finished on making the ultimate seed. He thinks he's so close to victorious.

Thantos: Hahaha! Yes... it is almost complete. Once it's finally complete, the whole humanity will be completely destroyed!

A demonic soldier appeared who opens the port gate in hurry and rushes to Thantos.

Demonic Soldier: My Lord! They're almost here!

Thantos: What!? Hold them off a little more! I have not yet done here yet.

Demonic Soldier: We tried to, my Lord, but they managed to overpower us!

Versago: My Lord. I will go hold them off. Those worthy kids will be no match for my skills.

As for him being a powerful one like him, Thantos agreed with his opinion.

Thantos: Very well, Versago. But REALLY make sure that you do not get defeated at their own hands.

Versago: I will not disappoint you, my Lord. You can count on me.

Thantos nodded. The second-in-command of the Demonic Army then left to battle the heroes.

Nearby to the Tarabiscoville Port's First Gate...

The remaining soldiers have tried to stop the heroes but were being overpowered and slayed.

Demonic Soldier: Auuuggghhh.... I have...disappointed...you...my Lord...

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