Peaceful Home

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NOTE: This is the finale of the story, but it will have also its sequel.

In the other side of portal, in the backalley at the Adventure Bay...

It was night and peacefully quiet in the town and it's like a ghost town as none of the residents are seen.

The portal then appears as the heroes jumped into view and landed safely on their ground. The portal then disappears. Gekko made a sad look and let out a sigh about their fallen world.

Gekko: Farewell, friends, Teacher... everyone.

An Yu: Sometimes, it's too late to save a one, my friend.

An Yu comforted Gekko with patting him.

Newton: Okay, so we're in the different world. Now, what place is this?

Catboy was already familiar of the place where they are. So he explains...

Catboy: This... is the Adventure Bay. Honestly, this is where I was sent by Thantos, when he threw me into his portal. And... I met some friends in this place.

Gekko: Wow, that's great, Catboy.

An Yu: It's also night in this world. Like ours. I suppose this is in the same time as our world.

Catboy: Yep.

Owlette: Ahh! Uuuuhhhh.... grk...!

Catboy: You're gonna be fine, Owlette. You're gonna be fine...

He puts her down, laying her on the ground.

An Yu: We should get rest first. It's getting late.

Armadylan: Zzzzzz.....

An Yu was quietly laughing to see Armadylan already sleeping on the ground, near the building wall.

Catboy: Right. We should get some sleep. Tomorrow, I know where a place we could live at.

An Yu: Hmm, right.

Newton: Too tired...

With a yawn, he lies down on the ground and slowly closes his eyes. Catboy and An Yu also lay on their ground to get sleeping.

Catboy: Night, guys.

Gekko, Armadylan, An Yu and Newton: Goodnight, Catboy.

Now, only Catboy wasn't sleeping who was having thought about what happened badly to their world and everyone else. But he quickly let it out of his mind and closes his eyes, joining the sleep with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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