Courtroom Details (2)

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After Amanda left Olivia stayed in her office. She was trying to concentrate on her work, but her conversation that she just had with Amanda replayed in her head. "Let's just say there's a certain someone here who I definitly fancy more than anyone. It's you Liv. Dont worry I can keep it professional. I have since I've been here. So dont wig out on me please." Amanda could be blunt but she didnt expect that. Amanda had feelings for her? She wasnt sure what her feelings were. She got along with the blonde for work purposes yeah, but for other she wasnt sure. She wasnt the most welcoming or nicest person when Amanda came to Manhattan SVU. Then when all her troubles came out, the gambling for sure. That just made Liv think she wasnt responsible cause of her addictive behavior. Seeing how Cragen treated her and helped her out made Liv leary but a bit more understanding cause he told her how he took her under his wing meaning Liv and gave her chances to redeem herself, and she knew that. So he told her she needed to do the same for Rollins.

Amanda had gone home, still utterly humiliated by the turn of events in court. She had gotten home taken a shower, the hot water felt good to her. Relaxed her quite a bit. Thinking in the shower how she told Liv her feelings. 'Real fuckin smart Rollins. You tell tell the one person who could fire your ass in an instant. She's your boss.' She leaned against the cool tile of the shower and just let the water run on her naked body. She was hot and bothered at the time being but was so upset about everything that happened she just didnt have it in her to please herself.

Olivia on the other side of town was sitting and drinking her nightly glass of wine. Thinking 'was I too hard on Rollins? Should I have been more understanding?' She laid back on her couch and more thoughts plagued her. 'it's you Liv. Dont worry I can keep it professional.' Did she give off that vibe. This was how it started with Alex too. Then thinking if she should at least check on Rollins, same time she didnt want Rollins to think she was in any trouble either. She decided to say what the hell and check on Amanda. What's the worse she could do, not answer her.

"Amanda- just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. I know I'm not the one you prefer to talk to. Like I said I just wanted to check. Hopefully you answer back. -Olivia"

Amanda had finally sat down on her futon after her shower. Drinking her beer and arguing with the refs calls on game when she got the text. 'So now all the sudden she gives a shit. Why now? Why cause I admitted my crush on her? Yeah she'll figure out how to use that against me.

"Olivia- Im fine. Thanks for your concern. You're right I dont prefer to talk to you as I always end up getting berated as I stated. Dont worry I will be back to work. Ill handle it. I always do. -Amanda"

Liv was starting to fall asleep when she got Amanda's last text. She wondered if her and the "Georgia Peach" would actually ever be friends? As she read the text she really felt bad bout how she treated Amanda.

"Amanda- look I know I deserve some of the anger directed at me. I really am trying here. I'm trying to be there, I dont know what else more I can do. I know you're a strong willed, hard working detective. I just want you to know that I am here for you when you need to talk. -Olivia"

Amanda's phone went off again. 'Was she really trying to talk to her. what the hell?' She didnt want to get into this shit again. The memories hurt. Memories of shit in Atlanta. Someone saying they'd be there to listen and help her and what that land her? Yep good ol Sam Reynolds was the first one to pull that shit. Then get mad at her cause she told him 'no'.

"Olivia- I appreciate that I really do and I thank you. But I'm gonna go for tonight. I really am not up for chatting. I'm just gonna cuddle on my futon and watch my game. Thanks for checking on me. -Amanda"

Liv really felt for Amanda. She wanted to be there. She knew it was a shit time for her. For some odd reason she wanted to be there to cuddle Amanda. She knew the blonde hated being coddled but at the same time could sense that the blonde was almost asking for it in a way. She really wanted to be holding Amanda and letting Amanda vent off on her. Though Amanda would never ever let that happen, especially letting her be the one, where there is so much angst between them. She poured another glass of wine. Taking a sip, she got the image of her and Amanda sitting one night on a case eating chinese and just conversating, brought a smile to her face. She decided to attempt one more text. Unbeknownst that Amanda had begun reveling in the memories and they were bringing tears to her eyes.

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