how much is too much?
how do you know the difference
between fighting for something
for someone that lights a fire in your chest
and destroying yourself over something
over someone who doesn't want to be saved?
is this lump in my throat what butterflies
are supposed to feel like
or is it a warning sign?
is it my body telling me to run?
but if I always run,
if I always put feet to the pavement
when something gets too real
then how do I know when its time to
endure the fear and the sickness
and let myself leap off the ledge
no matter if someone is there to catch me or not?
how do I know the difference between
letting myself be engulfed in emotions I am terrified of
and lying to myself to keep the cycle of destruction moving?
and how do I know that you aren't going to use me up
and leave me in the dirt like yesterday's cigarette?
and if i do this,
if i let you in,
how do i know that it will not be my undoing?
when i look at you,
i can see why
for centuries women have thrown away
all sense and direction and fear
and fell fully into the arms of men
with that sparkle in their eyes and
that sharpness to their smile.
i am no stronger than those before me,
but i am also no softer than those who
scream and yell and bang on the glass
of the prison men like you
trap women like me in.
the air is warm and the night is young,
but when the wind ruffles your hair
i can smell the danger it carries off into the night
and i can hear the warning it whispers in my ear.
men like you ruin women like me
rage and recovery
Short Storya testament to the rocky road between rage and recovery and the thought that the two might not be so different after all